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Image by Ken Cheung

Your Very Thoughts              Matter

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   Do Not         Forget

Mary Bosworth    California 1917

 “You must not forget that upon this plane that is nearest to earth, both good and evil forces meet.  All come here; and even the malicious ones can communicate with those on earth who will receive these messages.  This is one of the evils of the ‘open door’ and must be carefully guarded against.  Do not harbor thoughts of hatred or revenge for they will call towards you the evil-minded here, and evil is the result.  Be true to high ideals.”  (Mary Bosworth talking to Charlotte Elizabeth Dresser via automatic writing – California - 1917)  

Your Very Thoughts Matter: About Me
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The Need  for Purity   of Spirit

Celsior        Germany                      1923

AGREEMENT -"You know that any impure od, which may be present in a man, offers a dangerous opening to the evil spirit world...[which allows it] to work upon the worst side of his nature.  For impure od is the breath of life to evil spirits.  And whenever they find someone whose od is like their own, they can very readily not only influence his thoughts and imagination, but also arouse his physical passions to a dangerous pitch .  On the other hand, a man whose od is pure is not easily accessble to evil, which is kept from coming into direct contact with him by the radiation of his pure od...the purity of a man's od depends upon the purity of his spirit.  And most men, because of their impure minds, have already quite sufficient impure od to offer an opening to evil."  (Celsior - Rev. Greber's Most High Spirit speaking to him via a deep-trance medium - Germany - 1923)

Your Very Thoughts Matter: Welcome
Your Very Thoughts Matter: Image

"Make It Known"

Mary Bosworth      California 1917

"The thoughts, actions, habits of that [earth] life extend their influence to this one.  Lives filled with evil deeds, injustice, impurity, cruelty, dishonesty cannot wash themselves clean by slipping out of the material body through that which you call death.  Make it known - you who can see and tell it to others.  Make it known to all who will learn!" (Mary Bosworth - California - 1917)

Your Very Thoughts Matter: Text

         The Result of Our Deeds         Imperator   England 1873

AGREEMENT - "This mortal existence is but a fragment of life.  Its deeds and their results remain when the body is dead.  The ramifications of wilful sin have to be followed out, and its results remedied in sorrow and shame.  The consequences of good are similarly permanent and precede the pure soul and draw around it influences  which welcome and aid it in the spheres."

Your Very Thoughts Matter: Text

                     "Light or Darkness"                    Rev. Owen's Mother     England 1913

"Thoughts which are good appear [in the spirit world] with a luminance which is absent from those of a less holy kind.  This luminance appears to issue from the form of the thinker.  And, by means of its manifold rays of divided colors, we are able to come at some knowledge as to his spiritual state...whether his state is of the light or of the darkness, and of what degree in light...also, [areas] in which he excels or comes [up] short.  It is by this that we are able to allot to him the guardians who will best be able to help him in the fostering of that which is good in him.  And in the cleansing away of that which is not good...(Rev. George Owen's mother speaking to him by way of automatic writing - England - 1913)

Your Very Thoughts Matter: Text

Your Thoughts Adorn the Spirit World Ruby        England 1913

[Ruby Owen was Rev. George Owen's daughter.  She was born in 1895 and passed into spirit life a year later, 1896.  Rev. Owen's mother speaks first] -"Ruby sends her love and this message to her parents: 'Believe me, my darlings, the doing of a good and kind action, and the thinking and speaking of kind words by those we love on earth are immediately telegraphed here.  And we use them to adorn our rooms, as Rene adorns her rooms with your flowers." [Here Ruby is referring to the flowers Rev. Owen sent to his second daughter, Rene, while she was at school]  (Ascending Spirit Ruby - England - 1913)

Your Very Thoughts Matter: Welcome
Image by Joshua Earle

Think Spiritually

Spirit Message California 1917

"You cannot understand the power of thought - its ability to bring to itself the conditions of its own making.  Threfore, think wisely, truly, unselfishly.  And above all, spiritually.  These are the heavenly impressions that bring us near to you - and you near to us.  If all could see the building power of thought - little by little, day by day, year by year - they would harbor no evil thought.  But they [the newly-arrived spirits] do not see, and therefore, have to begin at the beginning [in the spirit world]...The thought of earth life is either retarding or advancing the spirit life.  Therefore, do you see, that heaven is nearer or farther away according to the thoughts you think."  (Spirit message received by medium Charlotte Dresser - California 1917)

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