Spiritual Revelations Across Time
The Power of Prayer

"Fix Your Mind on the Eternal" Astriel England 1913
"Prayer is not merely the asking for something you wish to attain. It is much more than that, and, because it is so, it should receive more careful consideration than it has yet received. What you have to do in order to make a prayer a power is to cast aside the temporal and fix your mind and spirit on the eternal. For prayer is really creative, as the exercise of the will as seen in our Lord's miracles, such as the Feeding of the Five Thousand. And when prayer is offered with this conviction, then the object is created and the prayer is answered." (Spirit Guide Astriel spaking to Rev. George Owen via automatic writing - England 1913)
Guardians of Prayer
Astriel England 1913
"For you must know that there are appointed guardians of prayer here whose duty it is to analyse and sift prayers offered by those on earth - and [then] separate them into divisions and departments. [The prayers are then] passed on to be examined by others and are dealt with according to their merit and power. In order that this may be done perfectly, it is necessary that we study the vibrations of prayer as your scientists study the vibrations of sound and light. As they are able to analyse and separate and classify the rays of light, so are we able to deal with your prayers." (Astriel - England - 1913)

Our Worship Passes into Spheres Astriel England 1913
AGREEMENT - "Now, know this - for this much, at least, we have progressed to know - that you do right to worship the Creator and Father of all....your worship passes first into the lower spheres, and through them to the higher. And some worship goes farther and into higher spheres than other worship does, according to its worth and inherent power. And some go very far, indeed. Far above us is the Christ Sphere of glorious intensity of light and awful beauty. Your worship, then, proceeds to the Father through Him, that is, through the One Who came to Earth and manifested the Christ to men." (Astriel - England 1913)

Your Prayers Are "Worthy"
Astriel England 1913
"'Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God.' You will remember these words spoken by the Angel to Cornelius. They are often passed over without being understood as the literal description of those prayers and alms as they appeared to that Angel. And were passed on, probably by himself and his fellow workers into the higher realms. It is as if he had said, 'Your prayers and alms came before my own committee and were duly considered on their merits. We passed them as worthy and have received notification from those Officers above us that they are of exceptional merit and required a special treatment. Therefore, I have been commissioned to come to you.'" (Astriel - England 1913)

"Prayer Is Acceptable to God When..." Spirit Message France 1857
[Question asked by Allan Kardec - #658] - "Is prayer acceptable to God? - "Prayer is always acceptable to God when dictated by the heart, for the intention is everything in His sight. And the prayer of the heart is preferable to one read from a book, however beautiful it may be....Prayer is acceptable to God when it is offered with faith, frevour and sincerity. But do not imagine that He will listen to that of the vain, proud, or selfish man unless it be offered as an act of sincere repentance and humility." (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec via automatic writing - France - 1857)
"The Heart-Cry" Imperator England 1873
AGREEMENT - "Prayer to be real must be the heart-cry, spontaneous and impulsive, to friends who hover near....Prayer - the spontaneous cry of the soul to its God through the friends who, it knows, are near and are ever ready to catch up the unuttered petition and bear it upwards and ever upwards till it reaches a power that can respond - this is no matter of formal preparation. It consists not in any act of outward show." (Spirit Teacher Imperator speaking to Rev. Stainton Moses via automatic writing - England 1873)

"To Praise, To Ask and To Thank" Spirit Message France 1857
[Question #659] - "What is the general character of prayer?" - "Prayer is an act of adoration. To pray to God is to think of Him, to draw nearer to Him, to put one's self in communication with Him. He who prays may propose to himself three things: to praise, to ask and to thank." (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec - France - 1857)
"True Prayer - The Voice of Spirit"
Imperator England 1873
"True prayer is the ready voice of spirit communing with spirit; the cry of the soul to invisible friends with whom it is used to speak; the flashing along the magnetic line a message of request which brings, swift as thought, its ready answer back...Pray then. But see that you pray not with formality, heartlessly and with unreal supplication. Commune with us in communication of the spirit. Keep a single eye to the issues of such communion as respect your own spirit. The rest will follow in due course." (Imperator - England 1873)

Spirit Message France 1857
[Question #660] - "Does prayer make men better?" - "Yes. For he who prays with fervour and confidence has more strength for withstanding the temptations of evil and for obtaining from God the help of good spirits to assist him in so doing. Such help is never refused when asked for with sincerity." (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec - France - 1857)
The Power We Neglect
Imperator England 1873
AGREEMENT - "Ah! You little know what power you neglect when you omit to foster, by perpetual prayer, communion with the spirits, holy, pure and good. Who are ready to stand by and assist you. Praise, which attunes the soul to God, and Prayer, which moves the spirit agencies - these are engines ever ready to man's service." (Imperator - England - 1873)

How Prayer Works Spirit Message France 1857
[Question #663] - (Part 1 of 3) - "Can we, by praying for ourselves, avert our trials or change their nature?" - "Your trials are in the hands of God, and there are some of them that must be undergone to the very end. But God always takes account of the resignation with which they are borne. Prayer calls to your help good spirits who give you strength to bear them with courage, so that they seem to you less severe. (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec - France - 1857)
Blessings in Disguise France 1857
[Question #663] - (Part 2 of 3) - "What appears to be a great misfortune to you, from your narrow point of view and in relation to your ephemeral life on the earth, is often a great blessing in relation to the general order of the universe. And besides, of how many of the troubles of his life is man himself the author - through his shortsightedness or wrongdoing! Nevertheless, your reasonable requests are granted more often than you suppose." (Spirit message received - France - 1857)
Blessings in Disguise France 1857
[Question #663] - (Part 2 of 3) - "What appears to be a great misfortune to you, from your narrow point of view and in relation to your ephemeral life on the earth, is often a great blessing in relation to the general order of the universe. And besides, of how many of the troubles of his life is man himself the author - through his shortsightedness or wrongdoing! Nevertheless, your reasonable requests are granted more often than you suppose." (Spirit message received - France - 1857)

"He Really Has Assisted You" France 1857
[Question #663] - (Part 3 of 3) - "You think your prayer has not been heeded because God has not worked a miracle on your behalf. While, in fact, He has really assisted you but by means so natural that they seem to you to have been the effect of chance or of the ordinary course of things. And, more often still, He suggests to your minds the thought of what you must do in order to help yourselves out of your difficulties." (Spirit message received - France - 1857)