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What Is My Purpose Here on Earth?

What Is My Purpose Here on Earth?: Image

"Raise Your Spirit"

Celsior          Germany 1923

     “Your life has one purpose only: to raise your spirit to a higher level on the road that has been mapped for you – and to bring it nearer to God.”                      "Your path through life is one of tests…Whoever passes the tests, his spirit will continue to progress in the Beyond until it reaches its final goal: union with God.  Whoever fails to pass must take the tests over again until he can meet them successfully.  Passing or failure are not predestined but depend on your own merit or shortcomings.”  (Celsior - one of God’s Highest Spirits speaking to Rev. Johannes Greber – Germany -1923)

What Is My Purpose Here on Earth?: Text

Seek Harmony with God

Celsior         Germany 1923

"Harmony in odic vibrations stands for beauty, health, happiness and good fortune.  Whereas discord in such vibrations must be the cause of ugliness, sickness, suffering and unhappiness....So, a discordant attitude on the part of a created spirit towards its Creator acts in spiritual matters, producing spiritual ugliness, sickness and discontent.  In short, spiritual suffering....To banish this inharmonious attitude out of its spiritual life is the most important task of every living being."  (Celsior - Germany - 1923)

What Is My Purpose Here on Earth?: Text
What Is My Purpose Here on Earth?: Image

But Not Everything Is Predestined  Celsior         Germany 1923

"Not all that you do or suffer in life is predestined.  Most of it results from the acts of our own free will.  Only the general path of your lives, together with certain turning points along that path, is predestined.  What you do while traveling that path and how you act at those turning points is for you to decide."  (Celsior - Germany - 1923)

What Is My Purpose Here on Earth?: Text

A Spirit's Progress

Imperator         England 1873

"This is the Spirit's progress....It is regeneration of spirit that is the culmination of bodily life, and the process is crucifixion of self - a daily death, as Paul was wont to say.  In the life of spiritual progress, there should be no stagnation, no paralysis.  It should be a growth and a daily adaptation of knowledge.  A mortification of the earthly and sensual - and a corresponding development of the spiritual and heavenly.  In other words, it is a growth in grace and in the knowledge of the Christ - the purest type of human life presented to your imitation.  A clearing away of the material...a development of the spiritual - a purging as by fire...of a life-long struggle with self [and] an ever- widening grasp of Divine truth.  By no other means can spirit be purified.  The furnace is one of self-sacrifice.  The process, the same for all." (photo courtesy of unsplash) (Spirit Teacher Imperator communicating with Rev. Stainton Moses by way of automatic writing - England -1875)   

What Is My Purpose Here on Earth?: Text

"No Substitution"

Spirit Control     New York City 1904

AGREEMENT - "The effects [of sin] must be outgrown, and growth comes from the purpose of the heart, from the free-will effort of the sinner.  The spiritual husbandman also gets his harvest by the sweat of exertion.  In this work, there is no substitution.  You must work out your own salvation; so must spirits in every cycle."  (A Spirit Control speaking to Dr. Issac Funk via a trance medium - New York City - 1904)

What Is My Purpose Here on Earth?: Text

A Daily Checklist

St. Augustine    France 1857

(Part 1 of 2) -"Do what I myself used to do during my life upon the earth.  At the close of each day, I examined my conscience, reviewed all that I had done, and asked myself whether I had not failed in some duty, whether someone might not have reason to complain of me.  It was in this way that I succeeded in obtaining a knowledge of myself.  And in ascertaining what there was in me that needed reforming.  He who, every evening  should thus recall all the actions of the day, asking himself whether he has done ill or well, and praying to God and His guardian angel to enlighten him, would acquire great strength for self-improvement.  For, believe me, God would assist him." (photo courtesy of wikimedia commons)  (St. Augustine communicating with Allan Kardec via automatic writing - France -1857)

What Is My Purpose Here on Earth?: About Me

For Self- Knowledge

St. Augustine      France 1857

[Part 2 of 2) - "Ask yourself these questions: (1) What have you done and what was your aim in acting in such and such a manner?  (2) [Have you] done anything that you would blame on another?  (3) [Have you] done anything that you would be ashamed to admit?  Ask yourself also this question: (4) If it pleased God to call me back, at this moment, into the other life, should I, on returning into the world of spirits - in which nothing is hidden - have to dread the sight of anyone?  Examine what you may have done.  First, against God.  Next, against your neighbor.  And lastly, against yourself.  The answers to these questions will either give repose to your conscience.  Or show you some moral malady of which you will have to cure yourself.  Self-knowledge is, therefore, the key to individual improvement." (photo courtesy of wikimedia commons/tomas giner) (St. Augustine - France - 1857)

What Is My Purpose Here on Earth?: About
What Is My Purpose Here on Earth?: Image
What Is My Purpose Here on Earth?: Image

                  "One  Desire of Spirit"                   Rector         England 1873

"This is the one desire of spirit.  More progress!  More knowledge!  More love!  Till the dross is purged away, and the soul soars higher and yet higher towards the Supreme.  (Spirit Teacher Rector speaking to Rev. Moses - England - 1873)

What Is My Purpose Here on Earth?: Text

"Be a Christ"

William T. Stead  England 1885

"I left the letter unfinished to attend morning service, and was looking down from the organ loft on my six hundred fellow prisoners - when I heard a voice: 'Why are you telling that girl to be a Christian?  Never tell anyone any more to be a Christian.  Always tell them to be a Christ.'  My mind revolted, and I said: 'What blasphemy.'  But the voice went on: 'The word Christian has become a mere label covering much of self, little of Christ.' (photo courtesy of wikimedia commons) (William T. Stead was a famous journalist, author and advocate of Spiritualism - England - 1885)   

What Is My Purpose Here on Earth?: Welcome

Our Three Duties

What Is My Purpose Here on Earth?: Text
Image by Joanne Gerber

Imperator      England 1873

"MAN, AS A RESPONSIBLE SPIRITUAL BEING, HAS DUTIES WHICH CONCERN HIMSELF, HIS FELLOW-MAN AND HIS GOD."  (Part 1 of 3) - OUR DUTY TO OURSELVES - "For the present, we may sum up man's highest duty as a spiritual entity in the word PROGRESS - in knowledge of himself and of all that makes spiritual progress.  The duty of man considered as an intellectual being, possessed of mind and intelligence, is summed up in the word CULTURE...Man's duty to himself as a spirit incarnated in a body of flesh is PURITY in thought, word and act.  In these three words - Progress, Culture, Purity - we sum up man's duty to himself as a spiritual, an intellectual and a corporeal being." (photo courtesy of unsplash/joanne gerber) (Imperator speaking with Rev. Moses - England - 1873)

What Is My Purpose Here on Earth?: Text
Image by Jametlene Reskp

Imperator       England 1873

(Part 2 of 3) - OUR DUTY TO OUR FELLOWMAN - "Respecting the duty which man owes to the community of which he is a member, we strive again to crystallize into one word the central idea which should animate him.  That word is CHARITY.  Tolerance for divergence of opinion; kindliness in intercourse; readiness to help, without desire for recompense; courtesy and gentleness of demeanour; honesty and integrity of purpose, tempered by loving kindness and forbearance; sympathy with sorrow; mercy, pity and tenderness of heart....   these and kindred qualities, which are the very essence of the Christ-like character, we sum up in the one word Charity - or Active Love.  (photo courtesy of unsplash/jametiene reskp) (Imperator - England 1873) 

What Is My Purpose Here on Earth?: Text
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Imperator       England 1873

(Part 3 of 3) OUR DUTY TO GOD - "As to the relation between man and his God...REVERENCE and ADORATION best become the spirit of man.  Reverence and awe, not slavish fear.  Adoring worship, not cowering, prostrate dread....REVERENCE, ADORATION, LOVE; these are the qualities that adorn a spirit in its relation to its God. (photo courtesy of pixabay) (Imperator - England 1873)

What Is My Purpose Here on Earth?: Text

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