Spiritual Revelations Across Time
Your Personal Judgement

"The Unpardonable Sin"
Spirit Message England 1873
"This is the sin unto death of which Jesus told his followers; the sin against the Holy Spirit of God of which you are told. The sin, viz., of rejecting the influences of God's holy angel ministers, and of preferring the death of vice and impurity to the life of holiness and purity and love....In such, the Divine essence [the Divine spark] is quenched; the baser elements are fostered, forced, developed to undue excess. They gain absolute sway; they quench the spirit and extinguish all desire for progress....This is the unpardonable sin. Unpardonable, not because the Supreme will not pardon, but because the sinner chooses it to be so. Unpardonable, because pardon is impossible where sin is congenial, and penitence unfelt." (Spirit message received by Stainton Moses - England - 1873)

"We Can Find No Entrance" Mary Bosworth California 1917
AGREEMENT - [Question] - "Can you influence the evil-minded ones on earth?" - "We are sent to try to lead them into better thought and life. Sometimes the evil ones are open to impressions, and we can help. But many times, all avenues to the soul are closed, and we can find no entrance." (Question asked of Spirit Teacher Mary Bosworth and answered via automatic writing of medium Charlotte Dresser - California - 1917)
Carrie Rafferty California 1917
AGREEMENT - "You must understand that we cannot use force even in protecting others, and mamy on earth are so debased that spiritual help could not reach them. Their guards try to protect but fail because of their earthly and sinful selves.
Free will must always be left to assert itself, and the evil on earth will naturally incline towards evil influences from here. You are desirous of good, and therefore, good influences reach you." (Carrie Rafferty - California - 1917)
You Are Your Own Judge
Rev. Owen's Mother England 1913
(Part 1 of 3) - "One of our poor sisters met our Mother Angel in the garden." [This sister} "asked a question. 'Where is the Judge...and when is the Judgement to take place? I am trembling all the while with the thought of it, for I know my punishment will be a very dreadful one. And I would know the worst and get it over.' To this the Mother replied, 'My child, your judgement will take place whenever you desire. And from your own words, I can tell you that it has already begun. For you own that your past life is worthy of punishment, and that is the first step in your judgement.'" (Rev. George Owen's mother communicating to him via automatic writing - England 1913)

Rwv. Owen's Mother England 1913
(Part 2 of 3) - "As to the Judge. Well, she is here. For you yourself are judge and will mete out to yourself your punishment. You will do this of your own free will by reviewing all the life you have lived [as recorded in her Book of Life]. And, as you bravely own up [to] one sin after another, so you will progress...Painful, deeply painful, I fear it will be. But all through, you will feel that He is leading you, and this more and more as you go on in the right way." (Rev. Owen's mother - England - 1913)
"I Do Not See the Throne of the Great Judge" England 1913
(Part 3 of 3) - "'But,' persisted the inquirer, 'I am perplexed because I do not see the Throne of the Great Judge Who will reward some and punish others.' You will. indeed, some day see that Throne, but not yet. The judgement you are thinking of is very different from what you imagine. But you should have no fear and, as you progress, you will learn more and understand more of God's great love." (Rev. Owen's mother - England - 1913)

"The Soul Is Its Own Judge"
Imperator England 1874
AGREEMENT - [Question asked by Rev. Moses] - "Do you teach a General Judgement?" - "No. The judgement is complete when the spirit gravitates to the home which it has made for itself. There can be no error. It is placed by the eternal law of fitness.....In each stage of probation [purification], the spirit builds up a character by its constant acts, which fits it for a certain position....There is no need for the process of a court of justice as you understand it on earth. The soul is the arbiter of its own destiny; its own judge. This is so in all cases of progress or retrogression." (Spirit Teacher Imperator answering Rev. Stainton Moses' question via automatic writing - England - 1874)
This Is Serious Business
Spirit Message California 1917
AGREEMENT - "We wish to say, every time and all the time, that character is of the first importance. As a man lives on earth, so will he appear on this side. Slipping out of the mortal body does not always mean entrance into perfect happiness. Justice, purity, unselfishness and kindness of heart are the passports to the heavenly life. If these are lacking, they must be acquired. And sometimes the effect of mortal sin makes this acquirement very difficult. And often the time is long and unhappiness great before the evil is eliminated from the soul. We cannot make this too strong or the caution too serious!" (Spirit message received by Charlotte Dresser by way of automatic writing - California - 1917)

Imperator England 1873
AGREEMENT - "This mortal existence is but a fragment of life. Its deeds and their results remain when the body is dead. The ramifications of wilful sin have to be followed out, and its results remedied in sorrow and shame. The consequences of good are similarly permanent and precede the pure soul and draw around it influences which welcome and aid it in the spheres." (Imperator - England - 1873)
No Great Judgement
Imperator England 1873 & 1876
"....though there be no formal judgement such as has been imagined at a far distant day and in the presence of an assembled universe, when the Christ shall sit in judgement and shall condemn the sinner to an everlasting hell - though there be none of this - yet every act is registered, every thought recorded, every habit known as factor[s] in the [development of the spirit's] future character....Of punishment we know indeed, but it is not the vindictive lash of an angry God. [It is] but the natural outcome of conscious sin, remediable by repentance and atonement. (Imperator - England 1873 & 1876)

"Banish This Inharmonious Attitude" Celsior Germany 1923
AGREEMENT - "It is not God who pushes you down to Hell, but your want of harmony with everything good and beautiful, with everything that is spiritually wholesome and pure, with light and with life. That is why Hell is a spiritual death....To banish this inharmonious attitude out of its spiritual life is the most important task of every living being." (Celsior - One of God's Highest Spirits - Germany - 1923)
"How Is the Soul Received?" Spirit Message France 1857
[Question #287 asked by Allan Kardec] - "How is the soul received on its return to the spirit world?" - "That of the righteous, as a dearly-beloved brother whose return has long been waited for; that of the wicked, with contempt." (Spirit message received by automatic writing to Allan Kardec - France 1857)

An Eternal Truth
Imperator England 1876
"...You need to have repeated again and again the truth on which we have been insisting: Man makes his own future, stamps his own character, suffers for his own sins and must work out his own salvation." (Imperator - England - 1876)
There Is Help...But
Spirit Message France 1857
"To think that you have always near you beings who are superior to you, and who are always beside you. To counsel you, to sustain you, to aid you in climbing the steep ascent of self-improvement. Whose friendship is truer and more devoted than the most intimate union that you can contract upon the earth - is not such an idea most consoling? - (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec via automatic writing - France - 1857)
"Did I Not Show You?" Spirit Message France 1857
"Nothing ever separates you from the friend you cannot see....Would that you were more fully impressed with this truth! How often would it aid you in your moments of need! How often would it save you from the snares of evil spirits! But, at that great day of account [ Your Personal Judgement], how often will your guardian angel have to say to you, 'Did I not urge you, and yet you would not follow my leading? Did I not show you the abyss, and yet you persisted in throwing yourself into it?'" (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec - France - 1857)