Spiritual Revelations Across Time
Are These Revelations from the Devil?

Why the World Does Not Believe These Teachings Mary Bosworth California 1917
(Part 1 of 2) - “You tell us that the world does not believe the messages from here because of the false teaching that comes to earth from those pretending to be heavenly guides. It is true that many undeveloped and mischievous ones on this plane are sending false and foolish teaching to whoever will receive it there. Yet, does the world abandon religion because of its grievous errors? Do teachers stop teaching because ignorant ones put forward wrong ideas?” (Mary Bosworth via trance medium Elizabeth Dresser – California, USA - 1917)
"Judge By Its Spiritual Value" Mary Bosworth California 1917
(Part 2 of 2) - “Good and evil have gone on together since the world began, and it is still a conflict even on this plane. It is for the wise ones on earth to recognize the truth in the teaching from here and to discard that which is not true. Learn to discriminate. Learn to discover the spirit beneath the words and judge of its sincerity by its spiritual value.” (Mary Bosworth communicating to medium Elizabeth Dresser – California, USA - 1917)

"You Need Not Fear"
Spirit George Carroll New York City 1904
[Dr. Issac Funk's Own Words] - "George Carroll is one of the principal [spirit] controls at the [spiritualist] circle which discovered the Widow's Mite." [Here are some questions asked by this circle] - "If spirits are permitted to come and deceive us, may they not work us great harm? They already move chairs, tables and make things disappear. If they can do this, what would prevail if they were permitted to do greater things? They are not subject to our laws. They would produce chaos." [Carroll] - "You need not fear. Spirits are not permitted to interfere with you beyond giving you some phenomena. You are protected absolutely. The moving of chairs, etc. is permitted only when it is necessary to do this to give proof of another world." (Spirit George Carroll speaking via a trance medium and witnessed by Dr. Issac Funk - New York City - 1904) (If you would like more information on the Widow's Mite, please check out Funk's book The Widow's Mite and Other Psychic Phenomena)

Limits Are Set
Celsior Germany 1923
AGREEMENT - (Part 1 of 3) - "You ask to what purpose the low spirits hold such 'a carnival at modern spiritistic seances,' or why, indeed, they are allowed to do so....low spirits have the same latitude of conduct as low and wicked people....True enough, their liberty is not altogether unlimited. For if it were, they would do mankind more harm than they can do as it is. For man's goal is to arrive at God, and with this consideration, He has set bounds to the activities of evil-doers." (Celsior - one of God's Highest Spirits - speaking to Rev. greber via a trance medium - Germany - 1923) [Pictured here is an example of table-tipping]
"It Does Some Good"
Celsior Germany 1923
(Part 2 of 3) - "But even the 'high carnival of evil' as you call it, which goes on at modern spiritistic meetings has frequently a good effect in spite of everything. For nowadays when so many people who believe in no God, no Beyond, no spirit world and no survival after death, it does some good that they should witness the kind of things of which you speak...if only because it compels them to think of these matters, to relinquish their skeptical attitude and to make a beginning of trying to discover the truth." (Celsior - Germany - 1923) [Below is an example of human levitation. Home, one of England's most gifted physical mediums, was seen levitating many times. Witnesses included members of English nobility. For more details, see Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The History of Spiritualism.]

Celsior Germany 1923
(Part 3 of 3) - "This statement applies to everything that happens at your spiritistic meetings of today - from levitation and table-rapping to the physical phenomena and to materialization. Even if the only interest in these things springs from a craving for new sensations, it often happens that many people do retain the impression that ultra-mundane [other worldly] forces must exist...and it is at least better than if those individuals had not had their attention called at all to the Beyond." (Celsior - Germany - 1923)
"There Is High Purpose"
Spirit Control New York City 1904
AGREEMENT - "The higher cycles do nothing carelessly nor foolishly. There is high purpose in their determination to bring their communication with you into the realm of your consciousness. It is not a matter of jest nor to satisfy wonder, altho many of the lower spirits on both sides are so using it. This trifling will soon be overcome. The spirit world will be capitalizing itself in your thinking. The audible comunication once heard by the world's best men will be heard again [I am assuming direct voice or trance mediumship]. (Spirit Control - New York City - 1904)
"You Have a Right"
Celsior Germany 1923
“You have a right to ask me who I am, for it is your first duty to test the spirits that speak to you and to assure yourself that they were sent from God since, otherwise, you might become the victim of evil spirits which....would not reveal the truth, but by lies would guide you to the path which leads over the edge of the precipice. I swear to you before God that I am one of His good spirits, indeed one of His highest spirits. I am he who has brought you here at God's behest. I desire to teach you so that you, in turn, may teach your fellowmen.” (Celsior – Germany – 1923)
"It Is Hard for Me to Understand" Celsior Germany 1923
(Part 1 of 2) - "It is, indeed, hard for me to understand why your various religious denominations should refuse to admit the possibility of the intervention of the spirit world and of its intercourse with man today. Or why, if they do admit it, they contend that it can be only the evil spirit world which manifests itself nowadays. ....if it is impossible for spirits to reach you today, it was equally impossible in the past. And all Biblical accounts of communication with spirits must be relegated to the realm of myth. If nowadays it is only evil spirits which can make their presence known to you....that means that all beliefs based on either the Old or the New Testament would fall to the ground, for they certainly claim to have their religious truths and laws from spirits." (Celsior - Germany - 1923) [Pictured below in the center is The Tent of Meeting - a most holy place where God spoke directly with Moses.]

"No Reason for Doubting" Celsior Germany 1923
(Part 2 of 2) - "If, then, good spirits were able to visit men in the past, there is no reason for doubting that they are able to do so today as well, for the same God who sent the spirits then, sends them today. Just as He tried then to guide mankind upon the right path, so does He today. Or do you think that you are no longer in need of any advice or guidance from God's spirits? Do you think you are better or wiser than the people of Old, and that you possess all the truth there is?" (Celsior - Germany - 1923)
"A Great Danger"
A Hindu Spirit England 1900
(Part 1 of 2) - [Rev. Arthur Chambers] - "But I have other questions I should like to put. Will you tell me - is there not a great danger in regard to spirit control?" - [Hindu Spirit] - "Most certainly. That is why in olden times, all intercourse with 'familiar spirits' was forbidden to the Israelites. The spirits who were then controlling men were evil. They were the spirits of men who in earth-life had lived in the grossest vice and impurity. Nothing but evil could ensue from such control as that...." (A Hindu Spirit communicating with Rev. Arthur Chambers via a trance medium - England 1900)

"Test the Spirits"
A Hindu Spirit England 1900
(Part 2 of 2) - [Hindu Spirit] - "Later on, you find an apostle of Jesus Christ - who himself knew a great deal about the Spiritual World - showing that he was sensible of the danger underlying spirit-control, while acknowledging the possibilities of good in it. He wrote: 'Believe not every spirit, but test the spirits - if they are of God.'" (A Hindu Spirit - England - 1900)

The "Spiritually Dead"
Celsior Germany 1923
AGREEMENT - "The Israelities had acquired the practice of seeking unto the 'spiritually dead' [those spirits separated from God] while dwelling in Egypt and had to a great extent adopted idolatrous customs there. Hence, among the first injunctions laid upon them by the Lord after their exodus from that country was the one forbidding them to inquire of the dead....'Never go to a medium or a wizard; never defile yourselves by consulting them. I am the Eternal.' (Leviticus 19:31) [This passage shows] that the men and women who had familiar spirits or who were wizards were mediums through whom the evil spirits spoke." (Celsior - Germany - 1923)

False Prophets
A Hindu Spirit England 1900
[Rev. Chambers asked another question] - "Then persons who are under the control of low spirits may be deceived?" - [Hindu spirit] - "Yes. When the prophets of old, to whom spiritual control was a common experience, threw themselves open to the control of ignorant and lying spirits, they became no longer the prophets of God - but false prophets. What do you imagine the words mean - 'A lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets?'" (A Hindu Spirit - England - 1900)

Celsior Germany 1923
AGREEMENT - "A 'prophet' is a person from whom not his own, but a strange spirit, speaks. It was in this sense that the Apostle Paul wrote of 'the spirits of the prophets.' [1st Corinthians 14:32] If the spirits which speak through a prophet are truthful ones, he is called a 'true' or 'real' prophet. If, however, they are lying, or, in other words, evil spirits, he is branded in the Bible as a 'false' prophet. What were called 'prophets' in Biblical times are today known as 'mediums.'" (Celsior - Germany - 1923)

Story Behind 1 Kings 22:22
King Ahab was the 7th king of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. He ruled from 869 to 850 B.C. "After three years of peace, Ahab renewed hostilities with Syria by assaulting the city of Ramoth-Gilead - although the prophet Micaiah warned him he would not succeed. And that the 400 false prophets who encouraged him were only leading him to his ruin. Micaiah was imprisoned for trying to dissuade Ahab from his purpose. Ahab went into the battle disguised, so that he would escape the notice of his enemies. But an arrow struck him....and he died toward evening." (The above excerpt is taken from Who's Who in the Bible by Jean-Pierre Isbouts)

Allan Kardec
France 1857
[HIS OWN WORDS - AGREEMENT] - "Jesus came to show men the road to goodness. Since God sent Him to recall to men's mind the divine law they had forgotten, why should He not send spirits to recall it to their memory once again? And with still greater precision now that they are forgetting it in their devotion to pride and to material gain? Who shall take it upon himself to set bounds to the power of God? Or to dictate His ways? Who shall say that the appointed time has not arrived - as it is declared to have been done by spirits - when truths [up to now] unknown or misunderstood are to be openly proclaimed to the human race in order to hasten its advancement?" (Excerpt taken from The Spirits' Book by Allan Kardec - France - 1857)
In Defense
Imperator England 1873
IN DEFENSE OF THE TEACHINGS OF SPIRITUALISM - (Part 1 of 2) -"We have been around you day by day. You have known our words and acts. You have received from us constant messages, records of which remain with you [and were later published as Spirit Teachings]. Did a word of ours ever strike your mind as false? Did an act ever seem to you mean, or selfish, or unkind? Have we committed ourselves? Have we spoken to you words that were degrading or foolish? Have we influenced you by wiles which were earthy, by motives that were sordid? Have we led you to a course that is retrogressive? (Spirit Teacher Imperator speaking to Rev. Stainton Moses, shown here, via automatic writing - England 1873)

Judge By Our Fruits Imperator England 1873
(Part 2 of 2) - "In short, by our fruits if we are judged, has the influence on you been for evil or for good? For God or for His foes? You yourself - are you better or worse for it? More or less ignorant? More or less useful? More or less happy?....We assert in the face of all who hear that it [the teachings] is God-like and that our mission is of and from Him." "I, the servant of God, the minister of the Most High, and the guide and guardian of your spirit - implore upon you the divine benediction. The Holy and Loving Father bless you." (Imperator - England - 1873)