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Winding Roads

      Words to Live By

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"Perfect Your Life"

Spirit Pastor       New York City 1904

"Let your thoughts dwell upon things above, and by a reasoning faith and a sincere desire, perfect your life here so as to perform the mission your Christ has placed before you.  And you will find a ready solution to many of earth's unsolved problems.  And by developing a spiritual insight, there will be revealed to you such an unbounded world of experiences that your souls will be lifted far beyond the boundaries of earth.  This vision will give you a conscious connection with the world above, and with friends now invisible and, to you, unreal."  (Spirit Pastor speaking to Dr. Issac Funk via the direct voice ability of a trance medium - New York City - 1904)

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The Golden Lesson

Rector         England 1873

“You must learn the golden lesson, that Pity and Love are truer wisdom than vengeance and vindictive punishment....You must know of God – and of us – and of yourselves before you can progress and do our work instead of our adversaries.” (Rector speaking to Stainton Moses via automatic writing - England – 1873)  

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"The Foundation of Christ's Teachings"  Celsior         Germany  1923

AGREEMENT - “The foundation of Christ’s teachings is: ‘Love God before all things and love your neighbor as you love yourselves.’  Whoever obeys this injunction obeys every law of Christianity.” (Celsior - Rev. Greber’s Most High Spirit speaking to him via a trance medium – Germany – 1923) 

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                   "Your Rule of Action"             Spirit Message       France 1857

AGREEMENT - "Jesus has said: 'Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do ye even so to them.'  Make it your rule of action, and you will never go wrong."  (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec via automatic writing - France - 1857)

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Spirit Message       France 1857

[Question #275 asked by Allan Kardec] -  "Do the power and consideration which a man may have enjoyed in the earthly life give him supremacy in the spirit world?" - "No.  For in that world, the humbled are exalted and the proud abased.  Read the Psalms."  (Spirit message received by Kardec - France - 1857)

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"Is Not This Clear to You?"

Spirit Message       France 1857

"In what sense should we understand exalting and abasing?" - "Do you not know that spirits are of different orders, according to their degree of merit?  Therefore, he who has held the highest rank upon the earth may find himself in the lowest rank in the world of spirits while his servitor [a male servant] may be in the highest.  Is not this clear to you?  Has not Jesus said that 'Whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased, and whosoever humbleth himself shall be exalted?'"  (An answer given to Kardec from the spirit world via automatic writng - France - 1857)

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        "Others Are Much Disappointed"     Rev. Owen's Mother     England 1913

AGREEMENT - [Here Rev. Owen's mother refers to those humans who thought very highly of themselves while on Earth] - "Others who have cultivated a good opinion of their deserts are much disappointed when they are given a lowly place, sometimes a very lowly place, and not ushered immediately into the Presence of the Enthroned Christ to be hailed with His 'Well done.'  Oh, believe me, dear son, there are many surprises awaiting those who come over here.  Some of a very joyful nature; and others the reverse."  (Rev. George Owen's mother speaking to him via automatic writing - England - 1913)

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Imperator       England 1873

AGREEMENT - "The proud, dogmatic, haughty man who informs Omnipotence of what he wants, and murmurs if it be not instantly bestowed - is not the recipient of Divine benediction.  But the humble, trustful, prayerful soul, whose cry from the depths of an earnest and loving heart, is.  "Father, not my will, but Thine be done."  (Spirit Teacher Imperator speaking to Rev. Stainton Moses via automatic writing - England - 1873)

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"The Life of Contemplation"

Prudens        England 1873

"The life of contemplation is that which most suits communion with us,  It is not, indeed, to supersede the life of action, but may be in some sort combined with it.  It is most readily practiced where distracting cares come not in and where excessive toil weakens the bodily powers.  But the desire must be inherent in the soul.  And where that is, neither distracting cares nor worldly allurements avail to prevent the recognition of a spirit world and of communion with it.  The heart must be prepared.  But, it is easier for us to make our presence felt when the surroundings are pure and peaceful.  (Spirit Teacher Prudens communicating with Rev. Stainton Moses via automatic writing - England 1873)

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         "Weigh Well All You Do and Say"    Rev. Owen's Mother     England 1913

"Be, therefore, not remiss to weigh well all you do and every word you say.  Not in anxiety, but rather by cultivating a habit of will to do good.  Always and everywhere to radiate kindness of heart for in the Kingdom, these are not of small account.  But go to make robes bright and [spiritual] bodies radiant."  (Rev. Owen's mother - England - 1913)

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"Bear Well in Mind"

Spirit Message       France 1857

(Part 1 of 2) - [Question #988 asked by Allan Kardec] - "There are some persons whose life flows on in a perfect calm...Is their good fortune a proof that they have nothing to atone for in any former existence?" - "Do you know many such?  If you think you do, you are mistaken.  Such lives are often only calm in appearance...Bear well in mind that a spirit can only acquire knowledge and elevation through activity; that if he falls asleep, he does not advance.  Bear well in mind, also, that each of you will have to answer for voluntary uselessness on your part.  And that such uselessness is always fatal to your future [spiritual] happiness.  (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec via automatic writing - France - 1857)

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           Happiness and Good Works       Spirit Message       France 1857

(Part 2 of 2) - "The sum of that happiness is always exactly proportioned to the sum of the good that you have done.  The sum of your unhappiness is always proportioned to the sum of the evil that you have done - and to the number of those whom you have rendered unhappy."  (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec - France - 1857)

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Life Is Threefold

 Imperator            England 1876

"Life is threefold: (1) of meditation and prayer; (2) of worship and adoration; and (3) of conflict with the three-fold enemy [a) selfishness leading to sin; b) excessive materialism; c) influence of evil spirits]. (1) Meditation is necessary for self-knowledge.  It is an element of steady growth. With it goes prayer - the communion of the prisoned soul with the Father of spirits and with us His ministers.  (2) Worship and adoration - in any of the countless phases that the soul seeks out for itself - in any or all of these ways the instinct of adoration divinely implanted may find its vent [expression]...These are the necessary helps for the sustained conflict [against evil].  We tell you that it would be well if you devoted more time to peaceful thought.  Your life lacks quietness."  (Spirit Teacher Imperator speaking to Rev. Stainton Moses via automatic writing - England - 1876)

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A Daily Checklist

St Augustine    France 1857

(Part 1 of 2) -"Do what I myself used to do during my life upon the earth.  At the close of each day, I examined my conscience, reviewed all that I had done, and asked myself whether I had not failed in some duty, whether someone might not have reason to complain of me.  It was in this way that I succeeded in obtaining a knowledge of myself.  And in ascertaining what there was in me that needed reforming.  He who, every evening , should thus recall all the actions of the day, asking himself whether he has done ill or well, and praying to God and His guardian angel to enlighten him, would acquire great strength for self-improvement.  For, believe me, God would assist him.  (St. Augustine communicating to Allan Kardec via automatic writing - France 1857)

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  For Self-Knowledge

     St Augustine        France 1857

[Part 2 of 2) - "Ask yourself these questions: (1) What have you done and what was your aim in acting in such and such a manner?  (2) [Have you] done anything that you would blame on another?  (3) [Have you] done anything that you would be ashamed to admit?  Ask yourself also this question: (4) If it pleased God to call me back, at this moment, into the other life, should I, on returning into the world of spirits - in which nothing is hidden - have to dread the sight of anyone?  Examine what you may have done.  First, against God.  Next, against your neighbor.  And lastly, against yourself.  The answers to these questions will either give repose to your conscience.  Or show you some moral malady of which you will have to cure yourself.  Self-knowledge is, therefore, the key to individual improvement."  (St. Augustine - France - 1857)

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