Spiritual Revelations Across Time

How to Prepare for the Journey
"The Grand Truth"
Imperator England 1876
"Be assured, good friend, that the grand truth can never be escaped. Life is a journey, a conflict, a development. The development is spiritual. From a lower to a higher plane. From the child of earth to the measure of the stature of the Christ. You cannot change the unalterable. You cannot reach the Perfect Good, save [except] after a conflict with evil. It is an eternal necessity that you be purified through struggles with the evil that surrounds you. It is the means by which the spark [the Divine Spark] once struck off the Divine Soul wins back its way to Him and enters into its rest." (Spirit Teacher Imperator communicating with Rev. Stainton Moses via automatic writing - England - 1876)
"Make It Known!"
Spirit Message California 1917
"The thoughts, actions, habits of mortal lives extend their influence to this one. Lives filled with evil deeds, injustice, impurity, cruelty, dishonesty cannot wash themselves clean by slipping out of the material body through that which you call death. Make it known, you who can see and tell it to others. Make it known to all who will learn!" (Spirit message received by trance medium Charlotte Dresser via automatic writing - California - 1917)

"No Dreamy Heaven Awaits You" Imperator England 1873
AGREEMENT - "And you yourselves, what of you?...Ye are spirits placed for a while in a garb of flesh to get training for an advanced spirit life. Where the seeds sown in the past bear their fruit, and the spirit reaps the crop which it has prepared. No fabled, dreamy heaven of eternal inactivity awaits you, but a sphere of progressive usefulness and growth to higher perfection." (Imperator - England 1873)

We Are Preparing Our Future Lives Now Mary Bosworth California 1917
AGREEMENT - “Why will the earth people be so blind? How can we emphasize more strongly the truth, that mortals are preparing their future lives now, and that their heavenly state is for them to choose? Make it plainly known that selfishness embodies all other sins, for it is the yielding to self-love and self-indulgence that creates other sins.” (Mary Bosworth - California, USA - 1917)
Spirit Message California 1917
"Your spiritual body is as much with you now as it will be here; only its powers are obscured by the five senses. Those five senses make havoc with spiritual logic and instruction. Why not give your study, thought and investigation to what is beyond and outside of those five earthly and material powers? They are given to serve you through the earthly phase of your journey hitherward but were not meant to chain, clog and darken the higher impressions....Look with spirit sight, hear with spirit hearing, comprehend with spirit understanding...the vastness of the universe, the majesty of its glory and beauty...." (Spirit message communicated to Charlotte Dresser - California - 1917)

Good Deeds/Evil Deeds Imperator England 1873
"Immutable laws govern the results of deeds. Deeds of good advance the spirit, whilst deeds of evil degrade and retard it. Happiness is found in progress and in gradual assimilation to the Godlike and the perfect....Happiness we know is in store for all who will strive for it by a consistent course of life and conduct commendable to reason and spiritual in practice." (Imperator - England 1873)

What Have You Done?
Imperator England 1873
"...we care much for acts. We ask not what has one believed, but what has he done? For we know that by deeds, habits and tempers, characters are formed. And the condition of spirit is decided. Those characters and habits, too, we know are only to be changed after long and laborious processes. And so - it is to acts rather than words, to deeds rather than professions, that we look." (Imperator - England - 1873)
"Bear Well in Mind" Spirit Message France 1857
(Part 1 of 2) - [Question #988 asked by Allan Kardec] - "There are some persons whose life flows on in a perfect calm...Is their good fortune a proof that they have nothing to atone for in any former existence?" - "Do you know many such? If you think you do, you are mistaken. Such lives are often only calm in appearance...Bear well in mind that a spirit can only acquire knowledge and elevation through activity; that if he falls asleep, he does not advance. Bear well in mind, also, that each of you will have to answer for voluntary uselessness on your part. And that such uselessness is always fatal to your future [spiritual] happiness. (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec via automatic writing - France - 1857)
Your Happiness = the Good You Do Spirit Message France 1857
(AGREEMENT WITH IMPERATOR ABOVE - Part 2 of 2) - "The sum of that happiness is always exactly proportioned to the sum of the good that you have done. The sum of your unhappiness is always proportioned to the sum of the evil that you have done - and to the number of those whom you have rendered unhappy." (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec - France - 1857)