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     Your Life Review

Your Book of Life

Your Life Review: Text

            "Every Good Act Is Registered"             Mary Bosworth    California 1917

“When I saw myself – saw the mistakes, the wrong thinking and wrong doing of my earthly life, the revelation filled me with dismay…..Remember that every good act, every loving, unselfish service, is registered upon the spirit and helps to prepare a brighter future for the soul when it arrives here."  (Mary Bosworth via trance medium Charlotte Dresser – California, USA - 1917)

Your Life Review: Text

A Film of All You Say & Do

Celsior      Germany 1923

AGREEMENT - “Od is among the most wonderful things in God’s Creation… also reflects your entire existence; every act, every utterance – every thought of yours is reproduced by it as in a film.  It is a “Book of Life” into which everything is entered.  It is a phonographic record which retains and reproduces everything.  It is a film which does not lie, and whose revelations cannot be denied.  And it is the evidence by which in the end you will be judged by your Creator.”  (Celsior - One of God's Highest Spirits communicating with Rev. Johannes Greber via a deep-trance medium – Germany - 1923))

Your Life Review: Text
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Your Life Review: Image

       "Everything Is Considered Here"      Rev. Owen's Mother    England 1913

AGRREMENT - "You see, everything is considered here.  Even the things which seem so casual and transitory in the earth life.  They are all registered and viewed in their relation to one another.  All the seemingly casual talks or chance meetings, a book read, a hand shaken in the street for the first time and never again, a few friends meeting at a mutual friend's house and never meeting again.  Everything and every item is registered, considered, co-ordinated and used when, and if, occasion offers."  (Rev. George Owens mother speaking to him via automatic writing - England - 1913)  

Your Life Review: Text
Your Life Review: Image

"He Sees the Faults"

Spirit Message      France 1857

AGREEMENT - "When a spirit re-enters his primitive life (the spirit life), his whole past unrolls itself before him.  He sees the faults which he has committed and which are the cause of his suffering.  And he also sees what would have prevented him from committing them.  He comprehends the justice of the situation which is assigned to him.  And he then seeks out the new existence that may serve to repair the mistakes of the one which has just passed away."  (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec - France - 1857)

Your Life Review: Text

             "You Yourself Are Judge"               Rev. Owen's Mother   England 1913

AGREEMENT - [Here Rev. Owen's mother is telling the story of how her Angel Mother is preparing a young, newly-arrived spirit  for her personal judgement] - "As to the Judge.  Well, she is here.  For you yourself are judge and will mete out to yourself your punishment.  You will do this of your own free will by reviewing all the life you have lived [as recorded in her Book of Life].  And, as you bravely own up [to] one sin after another, so you will progress...Painful, deeply painful, I fear it will be.  But all through, you will feel that He is leading you, and this more and more as you go on in the right way."  (Rev. Owen's mother - England - 1913)

Your Life Review: Text
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   Rev. Owen's Mother    England 1913

"Be, therefore, not remiss to weigh well all you do and every word you say.  Not in anxiety, but rather by cultivating a habit of will to do good.  Always and everywhere to radiate kindness of heart for in the Kingdom, these are not of small account.  But go to make robes bright and [spiritual] bodies radiant."  (Rev. Owen's mother - England - 1913)

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        "Every Act Is Registered"       Imperator       England 1876

AGREEMENT - "....every act is registered, every thought recorded, every habit known as factor[s[ in the [development of a spirit's] future character....No judge is there but the voice of Spirit communing with itself...." (Spirit Teacher Imperator speaking to Rev. Stainton Moses by way of automatic writing - England - 1876)

Your Life Review: Text
Your Life Review: Image

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