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The Ministry of Angels in Our Lives


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"The Hope of the World"

Mary Bosworth       California 1917

“The hope of the world in this time of trouble is in spiritualizing all forms of activity.  Love and service; service and love.  These must be the watchwords if the world is to come into lasting peace.  We are trying to influence a world that is going astray and might cause undreamed-of suffering….We need the help of all on earth who can think in spiritual terms…I have received instructions from the higher powers to call all who will to help.  You can help by giving the world our thought, and I am asking that you help because the battle will be long and the victory far away.”      (Mary Bosworth communicating with medium Charlotte Dresser via automatic writing – California - 1917)

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Spirit Message       France 1857

 “Remember that good spirits only give their aid to those who serve God with humility and disinterestedness.  They disown all who use heavenly things as a stepping stone to earthly advancement and withdraw from the proud and the ambitious.  Pride and ambition are a barrier between man and God, for they blind man to the splendors of celestial existence.  And God cannot employ the blind to make known the light.” (photo courtesy of (Spirit teachers communicating with Allan Kardec via the trance mediumship of the Boudin sisters – France – 1857) 

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"Friend...Tell Them"

Rector         England 1873

“Friend, when others seek from you as to the usefulness of our message and the benefit which it can confer on those to whom the Father sends it, tell them that it is a Gospel which will reveal a God of tenderness and pity and love, instead of a fabled creation of harshness, cruelty and passion. Tell them that it [this Gospel] will lead them to know of Intelligence whose whole life is one of love and mercy and pity and helpful aid to man, combined with adoration of the Supreme.....Tell them that such is our glorious mission; and if they sneer, as the ignorant will, and boast of their fancied knowledge, turn to the progressive souls who will receive the teaching of wisdom: speak to them the message of Divine Truth that shall regenerate and elevate the world.” (Spirit Rector speaking to Stainton Moses – England – 1873) 

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Knowledge from Heaven

Spirit Message      California 1917

"You ask what we do here. First of all, we learn the use of spirit power, after which each chooses his own work - the work for which he is best suited.  Mine is the endeavor to impress ideals upon the thought of mortals.  Many spirits here are sending waves of high impulse earthward.  And sometimes, you see the outward manifestation of impulse in the wisdom of the employer; in the 'intellectuals' who are writing of this life; scientists experimenting along new lines...." (photo courtesy of (Spirit message received by Charlotte Dresser via automatic writing - California - 1917)

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Spirit Message      France 1857

AGREEMENT - [Question asked by Allan Kardec - #459] - "Do spirits influence our thoughts and actions?" - "Their influence upon them is greater than you suppose, for it is very often they who direct both."  [Question  #462] - "Do men of intelligence and genius always draw their ideas from their own minds?"  - "Their ideas sometimes come from their own spirit.  But they are often suggested to them by other spirits who judge them to be capable of understanding them.  And worthy of transmitting them."  (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec - France - 1857)

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Rev. Charles Tweedale               England 1918

Question: "Why do not modern spirit communications reveal some great discovery in physical science?"  Answer: "In all probability, it has been done - and is constantly being done....Inspiration is not confined to religious matters but holds good in the sciences and arts.  Is it likely that the leaders in science and art will suddenly lose interest in their life work when they pass from this world to the next?  Is it not more reasonable to suppose that their interest will still be maintained and, as the messengers and agents of God, they will carry on the work to which their lives were devoted?" (photo courtesy of wikimedia commons) (Rev. Charles Tweedale - England - 1918)

The Ministry of Angels in Our Lives: Welcome
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"Led by Spirit Guidance"

Imperator       England 1873

AGREEMENT - "We have said before that man cannot receive more than he is prepared for.  He is gradually led by spirit-guidance to a higher plane of knowledge.  And then when the need is felt, advanced and progressive information is given to him.  At the outset of our information to you, we explained that man was only the vehicle of spirit-guidance.  What he wrongly imagines to be the evolution of his own mind is in reality the outcome of spirit teaching which acts through him."  (Spirit Teacher Imperator speakingto Rev. Moses via automatic writing - England - 1873) 

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Astriel         England 1913

AGREEMENT - "You sometimes wonder why we do not make these messages more vivid, as you put it, so that you may have no doubt or difficulty in believing that they come from us to will see that, from time to time, you are given just so much as will help you to help yourself.  Your training, remember, is still proceeding; you have not yet arrived.  Nor will you while you are in the earthlife...We do not give you too much, but we give you all that will help you.  (Spirit Guide Astriel speaking to Rev. George Owen via automatic writing - England - 1913)

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Spirit Control     New York City 1904

AGREEMENT - (Part 1 of 2) - [Dr. Issac Funk] - "I have heard these strange intelligences from the [seance] cabinets urge a hundred times their ability immensely to help humanity beyond what they are now helping it - if we would believe and permit." - [Spirit Control] - "Lift the floodgates and you will make an advance in knowledge such as you have never known.  As you have often heard from this side, there has never been a great intellectual forward movement, never a reform, never an advance, but that the thought of it had its origin on the spirit side and was impinged upon the brain of some mortal."  (Spirit Control - New York City - 1904)

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"Judge the Results"

Spirit Control     New York City 1904

(Part 2 of 2) - "Open now communications so that we can transfer our thoughts to your plane more easily; then there will be immensely greater progress.  The ocean of knowledge in our world and the ocean of knowledge in your world will interflow until they reach as nearly as may be a common level.  Organize to study seriously how to get help from the spirit world and then judge the results.  A tree is known by its fruits."  (Spirit Control - New York City - 1904) 

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       "A Thousand Other Beginnings"          Spirit Message     California 1917

AGREEMENT - "These and a thousand other beginnings are suggested from here; for the influence of this life does not move earthward in one channel only.  Science, religion, art and literature all are impressed."  (Spirit message received by Charlotte Dresser - California - 1917)

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The Bridge

Rev. Owen's Mother    England 1913

(Part 1 of 2) - "Yes, of course, there is a bridge over the chasm [between the spheres of light and darkness].  Otherwise, how would those who have fought their way upward through the gloom get over?....I have called this a bridge, but....[it] is more like a tract of country....Across the bridge, then, those who seek the light make their journey; and that journey is but slow...there are many rest-houses at which they stay....from time to time, on their progress across, [they] are handed on from one to another party of angel ministers until the last stage lands them here on this side."  (Rev. George Owen's mother communicating to him via automatic writing - Engand - 1913)

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The Ministry of Angels in Our Lives: Text

Rev. Owen's Mother     England 1913

(Part 2 of 2) - "We were called to a tract of country where many people were to forgather, of different creeds and faiths and countries.  When we arrived, we found that a band of missionary spirits had returned from their period of duty in one of the regions bordering on the earth sphere.  They had been working among souks just come over who did not realize that they had crossed the borderland between earth and the spirit land.  Many had been enlightened and these had been brought to this place in order that they might join with us in a service of thanksgiving before going to their own proper homes."  (Rev. Owen's mother - England - 1913)

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The Ministry of Angels in Our Lives: Image

No Interest in Our Lives?

 Imperator       England 1873

"It is well that we refresh ourselves at times with rest and the society of the blessed lest we fail and faint in our work; lest we grow sad and weary in spirit and cease to labour with zeal and success...You are apt to think of us as mysterious far-off beings who have no interest in your lives, no knowledge of your miseries and no share in the troubles that beset you.  You do not understand that we can enter into your feelings and know the hidden griefs that vex you, even more readily than your fellow man can."  (Spirit Teacher Imperator speaking to Rev. Stainton Moses - England - 1873}

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Spirit Control     New York City 1904

AGREEMENT - (Part 1 of 2) - "You say these angels do not talk as you thought angels would talk.  Did you think us ethereal, dreamy - and instead, you find us a matter-of-fact people?  We are your brothers.  A mighty spirit world of men and women obscured from you behind a veil of flesh that hides your eyes.  Our world intersperses yours.  We also have bodies; the vibrations of our bodies are more rapid than those of the x-ray, so that we can pass through all of what you call solids, as the x-ray passes through some - and as Christ's resurrected body passed through the closed door into the presence of His disciples."  (Spirit Control communicating with Dr. Issac Funk via direct voice - New York city - 1904)    

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"There Is Here a Little Girl"

Spirit Control     New York City 1904

(Part 2 of 2) - "I will show you how altogether human we are: There is here a little girl who has passed out of life only a short time.  And she wishes me to tell her mother, who is here in the [spiritualist] circle, Mrs. ____, that she is so glad that her little pets have been taken care of since she passed to this side.  Now, is not that natural?  Does it not show how little this child has changed?  And I want to say to you all: Love animals that are about you and treat them kindly.  God wishes it - the spirit world wishes it."  (Spirit Control - New York City - 1904)

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            "Our Love for Our Brethren"                   Rev. Owen's Mother   England 1913

AGREEMENT - "And, alas, those who say that Angels cannot grieve know little of our love for our brethren still battling on earth.  Could they see us dealing with some of these misusings of the Father's great gift, they would probably love us more and exalt us less."  (Rev. Owen's mother - England - 1913)

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              Their Souls Are Closed                 Mary Bosworth       California 1917

AGREEMENT - [Question] - "Can you influence the evil-minded ones on earth?" - "We are sent to try to lead them into better thought and life.  Sometimes the evil ones are open to impressions, and we can help.  But many times, all avenues to the soul are closed, and we can find no entrance."  (Question asked of Spirit Teacher Mary Bosworth and answered via automatic writing of medium Charlotte Dresser - California - 1917)

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The Ministry of Angels in Our Lives: Text

      Rev. Owen's Mother    England 1913

"Now, in order to help those who still doubt us and our mission and message, let me say that we do not lightly leave our beautiful home to come down into the mists which surround the earth sphere.  We have a mission and a work in hand which someone must do, and there is joy in the doing of it.  (Rev. George Owen's mother speaking to him via automatic writing - England - 1913)

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"We Come from the Land of Light and Purity"    Imperator              England 1873

"We come from the land of light and purity and beauty, wherein is naught that is unclean, unholy or impure....we quit the light and love, the harmony and adoration of the spheres, and we descend to your cold earth, to a clime of darkness and despair - to a people disobediant, unbelieving, steeped in materialism and dead to spirit influence.....We suffer mental agony and spiritual distress.  We feel pangs as real as those which wring the hearts of men.  Were we not (as you say) human in our sympathies, we could not enter into your necessities. (photo courtesy of wikimedia commons) (Imperator - England 1873)

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Guardian Angels

Spirit Message      France 1857

"To think that you have always near you beings who are superior to you, and who are always beside you.  To counsel you, to sustain you, to aid you in climbing the steep ascent of self-improvement.  Whose friendship is truer and more devoted than the most intimate union that you can contract upon the earth - is not such an idea most consoling? - (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec via automatic writing - France - 1857)

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"Always in the Sight of Invisible Friends!"    Carrie Rafferty     California 1917

[Question asked of Ascending Spirit Carrie Rafferty] - "Then we are always under the eye of some spirit?" - AGREEMENT - 'Always in the sight of invisible friends!  The guardianship by spirit forces is one of the protections thrown around individuals.  I do not mean that they can always prevent danger or accident or suffering.  But, if they cannot do this, they are ready with impressions that may help as needed.  We get the signal as you might get a telegram.  The watchers are ever alert and call the guides whenever necessary.  We have to guard our charges at all times.'"  (Carrie Rafferty  communicating with Charlotte Dresser via automatic writing - California - 1917)   

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                 "By the Command of God"                    Spirit Message      France 1857

AGREEMENT - "Those beings are near you by the command of God.  It is He who has placed them beside you.  They are there for love of Him, and they fulfill towards you a noble but laborious mission.  They are with you wherever you may be...Nothing ever separates you from the friend whom you cannot see, but whose gentle impulsions are felt. And whose wise monitions are heard in the innermost recesses of your heart."  (Spirit message received by Kardec - France 1857)

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Your Best Friends

Celsior    Germany 1923

AGREEMENT - "You cannot possibly overestimate the human character of the relations of the good spirits with respect to you.  They are the best friends you have and are always present in large numbers at your religious gatherings.  In most cases, they are spirits who were mortals like yourselves and who, in the beyond, have progressed toward God.  They have been assigned as your guides, counsellors and guardians.  They have the most fervent desire to lead you along the path toward God while you are still on earth - in order that, when you depart thence, you may enter as high as possible a sphere in the spirit world." (photo courtesy of pixabay) (Celsior - one of God's Highest Spirits - speaking to Rev. Greber via a trance medium - Germany - 1923) 

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Mary Bosworth       California 1917

AGREEMENT - Question from Charlotte Dresser, trance medium, to Spirit Teacher Mary Bosworth - "Are you compelled to come when we call?"- "We are not obliged except by the love we have and the interest we feel.  When you wish to write, the effort to bring us in touch with you is like an electric signal; and whenever I feel the signal, I come flying home to know what you have to say.  The signal is like a flash of intelligence in the brain.  Or like a touch or a sound.  We listen or feel - and come at once.  You are our charge; therefore, we come when you call.  Also, we are watching to get our messages through to earth."  (Mary Bosworth - California - 1917) 

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Angel Eyes

         Spirit Message           New York City 1904

"First of all, we wish you to get this practical thought, to fix it fully in your mind [and] to have it as a certain belief - that you are surrounded by those who have passed on.  Folks, not etherealized, shadowy folks, you know not what - but your folks, looking at you, seeking to help you.  Then you will find it easy in the midst of temptations to keep your poise.  This gives the undisturbed [the] quiet courage of the soul that nothing can break.  A man who really believes that angel eyes are upon him - that is, that the dead are around him and his secrets open to their eyes - is most apt to regard his life on earth with solemnity and circumspection, which otherwise would be impossible." (photo courtesy of wikipedia) (Spirit message given by a deep-trance medium via direct voice and witnessed by Dr. Issac Funk, pictured here.  He was a famous publisher and psychic investigator - New York City - 1904)   

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                       Nothing Is Hidden              Spirit Message       France 1857

AGREEMENT - [Question asked by Allan Kardec - #456] -  "Do spirits see everything we do?"  - "They can do so if they choose since they are incessantly around you.  But, practically, each spirit sees only those things to which he directs his attention...."  [Question #457] - "Can spirits see our most secret thoughts? - "They often see what you would fain [desire to] hide from yourselves.  Neither acts nor thoughts can be hidden from them."  (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec via automatic writing - France - 1857) 

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"Did I Not Urge You?"

     Spirit Message     France 1857

"Nothing ever separates you from the friend you cannot see....Would that you were more fully impressed with this truth!  How often would it aid you in your moments of need!  How often would it save you from the snares of evil spirits!  But, at that great day of account [ Your Personal Judgement], how often will your guardian angel have to say to you, 'Did I not urge you, and yet you would not follow my leading?  Did I not show you the abyss, and yet you persisted in throwing yourself into it?'"  (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec - France - 1857) 

The Ministry of Angels in Our Lives: About Me

Carrie Rafferty    California 1917

AGREEMENT - "You must understand that we cannot use force even in protecting others, and mamy on earth are so debased that spiritual help could not reach them.  Their guards try to protect but fail because of their earthly and sinful selves.  

Free will must always be left to assert itself, and the evil on earth will naturally incline towards evil influences from here.  You are desirous of good, and therefore, good influences reach you."  (Carrie Rafferty - California - 1917) 

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"Men Take Courage! You Have Guides"     Spirit Message       France 1857

"Question your guardian angels.  Establish between yourselves and them the affectionate intimacy which exists between tried and loving friends.  Do not think to hide anything from them for they are the eye of God, and you cannot deceive them.  Think of the future; seek to advance on the upward road.  Your trials will be shorter; your experiences happier.  Men, take courage!...You have guides.  Follow them.  Your goal cannot fail you - for that goal is God Himself.  (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec - France - 1857)

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 "Every Living Being"         Celsior      Germany                          1923

"I cannot even begin to tell you how wonderfully God has planned the government of the Universe, for this far exceeds the limits of human comprehension.  You probably cannot picture to yourselves that spirits of God stand watch over every living being and that they report on whatever happens.  (Celsior - a Most High Spirit - speaking to Rev. Greber via a trance medium - Germany 1923)

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Nothing Too Small

Spirit Message      France 1857

AGREEMENT - [Question asked by Allan Kardec - #963] - "Does God concern Himself personally about each man?  Is He not too great, and are we not too small, for each individual to be of any importance in His sight?"  - "God concerns Himself about all the beings He has created, however small they may be.  Nothing is too minute for His goodness."  (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec by way of automatic writing- France - 1857)

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"Victory Assured"

Imperator       England 1876

"Do you need to be told....that peace on earth springs up only in the soul that soars heavenward and finds its happiness in viewing the dangers and difficulties that have been overpassed?  Do you need to be told again that the angels watch over such [souls] to bear them up - that the ministers count it [an] honour to support them, and that no final harm can fasten on the spirit which keeps a high ideal before it?  Victory is assured.  But it would not be victory...without a struggle....Victory comes after conflict.  Peace after tribulation.  Develpment after steady growth."  (Imperator - England - 1876)  

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