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Image by Ben Karpinski

A New Dawn

A New Dawn: Welcome

      "The Mighty Influence from Here"     Mary Bosworth    California 1917

     “Do you understand how different life would be there [on Earth] if all would try to give as well as to receive; if all would learn to serve unselfishly the world in which they live and learn the higher happiness of spiritual thought and life?  The coming of the new age is not for one or for two to bring in, but rather the mighty influence from here moving through the spiritually discerning ones there.”  (Mary Bosworth communicating through trance medium Charlotte Dresser – California, USA - 1917)

A New Dawn: Text

"The Time Is at Hand"

Spirit Message      France 1857

“Be zealous and persevering in the work you have undertaken in conjunction with us, for this work is ours.  In the book you are to write, we shall lay the foundations of the new edifice which is destined to unite all men in a common sentiment in love and charity; but before making it public, we shall go through it with you, so as to ensure its accuracy.  Believe in God and go boldly forward.  We shall be with you to sustain you on your way; and the time is at hand when the truth will shine forth on all sides."  (Spirit Message received by Allan Kardec via the automatic writing of mediums, Caroline and Julie Boudin – France – 1857)  

A New Dawn: Text

"Friend, Tell Them..."

Rector         England 1873

“Friend, when others seek from you as to the usefulness of our message and the benefit which it can confer on those to whom the Father sends it, tell them that it is a Gospel which will reveal a God of tenderness and pity and love, instead of a fabled creation of harshness, cruelty and passion. Tell them that it [this Gospel] will lead them to know of Intelligence whose whole life is one of love and mercy and pity and helpful aid to man, combined with adoration of the Supreme.....Tell them that such is our glorious mission; and if they sneer, as the ignorant will, and boast of their fancied knowledge, turn to the progressive souls who will receive the teaching of wisdom: speak to them the message of Divine Truth that shall regenerate and elevate the world.” (Spirit Rector speaking to Stainton Moses – England – 1873) 

A New Dawn: Text

"Goodness Will Reign"

Spirit Message       France  1857

(Part 1 of 2) - [Question #1019 asked by Allan Kardec] - "Will the reign of goodness ever be established on earth?" - "Goodness will reign upon the earth when, among the spirits who come to dwell in it, the good shall be more numerous than the bad.  For they will then bring in the reign of love and justice, which are the sources of good and of happiness.  It is through moral progress and practical conformity with the laws of God that men will attract to the earth good spirits - who will keep bad ones away from it.  But the latter will not definitively quit the earth until its people shall be completely purified from pride and selfishness."  (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec - France - 1857)

A New Dawn: Text
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Help Hasten This Transformation

Spirit Message     France 1857

(Part 2 of 2) -"The transformation of the human race has been predicted from the most ancient times.  And you are now approaching the period when it is destined to take place.  All those among you who are labouring to advance the progress of mankind are helping to hasten this transformation.  Which will be effected through the incarnaton - on your earth - of spirits of higher degree...[spirits] who constitute a new population of greater moral advancement than the human races they will gradually have replaced....Devote yourselves, then, with zeal and courage to the great work of regeneration - all you who are possessed of faith and good-will.  You will reap a hundredfold for all the seed you sow."  (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec via automatic writing - France - 1857)  

A New Dawn: Text

     You Are Needed for                          Battle                            Spirit Message                     California 1917

AGREEMENT - "Will the world ever come into true Christianity?" - "It will come eventually.  Every individual has the power to bring that blessed time a little nearer.  The work goes on from here as well as from there [the earth].  And all are needed.  For the strife between good and evil grows daily more vicious on the side of evil and needs daily reinforcements on the side of good.  (Spirit message received in response to question via automatic writing of medium Charlotte Dresser - California - 1917)

A New Dawn: Welcome

"One Lost Sheep"

A Hindu Spirit      England 1900

ULTIMATE AGREEMENT - [Question asked by Rev. Arthur Chambers] - "Do you assert that all  will ultimately yield to good?" - [Hindu Spirit] - "We in this life do not possess foreknowledge anymore than you do.  But we know that God is supreme, and the ever-widening stream of tendency is toward Him.  But why ask me about this matter?  You, as a clergyman, believe the Bible, do you not?  Consult that Book.  Does it not tell you that God will one day be 'all in all?'  That every will in His Universe is ultimately to bow to Him?  And that His Christ will not rest so long as one lost sheep has not  been found?"  (A Hindu Spirit speaking to Rev. Chambers via a trance medium - England - 1900)

A New Dawn: Text
A New Dawn: Image
A New Dawn: Image

Hope of the World in Christ

Spirit Message    California 1917

"A new day is coming when heaven shall draw near to earth, and the soul of man shall be baptized with spiritual gifts.  And finally, finally, war and hatred shall cease on earth, and peace and kindness shall be the law of life."  [Question - "The world is surely very far from such a millennial state at present."] - "That is true.  For the great masses are still immersed in selfish plans and ambitions.  Yet, some are pure in heart and have the vision of a purified world where brotherly love shall reign.  These are the hope of the world.  For the hope of the future lies truly in the philosophy that Christ brought to earth."  (Spirit message received by medium Charlotte Dresser via automatic writing - California - 1917)

A New Dawn: Text

"Think What That Means"

Spirit Control      New York City 1904

"Do not think that this spirit world is all sentiment.  It is thought, order; not chaos. Were there real faith among men, faith in the spirit world, then you would give us a fair opportunity to help.  And you could judge by the results.  The power behind all great movements on earth is the spirit world.  In your world rise and fall the tides of our thinking.  The work to be done is to break down the partition walls of unbelief between your life and ours that there may be unrestricted intercourse.  This truth is one of immense importance.....When will you know that the universe is unlimited and eternal - and that the spirit universe and the physical universe are not two separate universes?  Think what that means....How often must this simplest of truths be told you?  (A Spirit Control speaking through a trance medium via direct voice and witnessed by Issac Funk.  Funk was a famous publisher and psychic investigator - New York City - 1904)

A New Dawn: Text

"I Would Be of Much More Help"

Spirit Michael Bercot    France Mid-1990s

AGREEMENT - (Part 1 of 2) - [Clairvoyant Chris Hardy asked the Spirit of Michael Bercot this question] - "I was eager to ask him a question that had bothered me since I got the shocking and unexpected news of his death."  [Hardy] - 'But tell me, how is it that you decided to die so young?'  [Bercot] - 'Look, with all these great changes and transformations coming for humanity, I realized that I would  be of much more help to assist them from the other dimension.  There was only so much I could do as an alive person.'  "As we kept talking, he explained that all of them, in the soul dimension, were closely watching the events unfolding on Earth.  In all the domains of life and thinking related to this great leap.  How they (these ascending souls) were acting in different domains in a co-ordinated way (as specific group minds), sending positive, spiritual energy to us any way they could."  (The spirit of Michael Bercot speaking directly to clairvoyant Chris Hardy - France - Mid-1990s)

A New Dawn: About Me

"The Great Transformation"

Dr. Chris Hardy    France 2020

(Part 2 of 2) - [Chris Hardy's Own Words] - "I think it was the first time that I had a real grasp on the tremendous work they were doing, conjointly with us, to steer this transformation process.  This leap in conciousness that humanity had to accomplish at great speed.  Otherwise, consequences would be too gruesome....And again, let me stress that I'm deeply convinced that the two dimensions are progressively coming closer together, with greater intrusion of one into the other, back and forth, and a transdimensional access becoming more and more open.  This is part of the key to the great transformation of our planet."  (Dr. Chris Hardy is both a scientist and clairvoyant.  She holds a PhD in ethno-psychology and is a cognitive and systems scientist - Above two excerpts are taken from her book Living Souls in the Spirit Dimension)

A New Dawn: Welcome
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Celsior        Germany 1923

“But the time is coming when your science will be forced to admit that both spirit worlds, the good and the bad, intervene visibly and perceptively in your lives and your fortunes, and do so in an infinite number of ways.”  (Celsior - one of God's Highest Spirits speaking to Johannes Greber via a trance medium  – Germany – 1923)  

A New Dawn: Text

The Spirit       of Julia          Ames

                  England 1909

"I am more and more convinced that the establishment of the fact that, and the certainty of communication between this world and yours, may be described without exaggeration as the most important thing in the whole range of the possible achievements of mortal men.  There is nothing like it for the far-reaching influence which it will exercise over all things.  For it will modify thought, and thought makes the world in which you live.  (Julia Ames was an American journalist and Temperance Reform supporter.  She communicated via the automatic writing of medium William T. Stead - England 1909)

A New Dawn: About
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The Time Is Coming

                        Celsior                                  Germany 1923

"But the time is coming when things will again be as they were in this respect, that is to say, when each individual can communicate by spirit-sight [clairvoyance] and hearing [clairaudience] with the Beyond.  Until that time, however, those who still believe in God may converse with spirits through another channel.  And many who do not believe may witness the workings of the spirit world with their corporeal senses, and thereby be aroused to return to a belief in the Almighty and in survival after the death of the body.  For this purpose, God has given mankind of today the so-called mediums. (Celsior - Germany - 1923)

A New Dawn: About Me

        "Remain in Connection with Us"  Spirit Message     France 1857

AGREEMENT - "Do not fear to weary us [our guardian spirits] with your questions.  Remain, on the contrary, always in connection with us:  you will thus be stronger and happier.  It is this communication between each man and his familiar spirit that will eventually make all men mediums and that will drive out incredulity from your world."  (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec - France - 1857)  

A New Dawn: Text

     To Be          Heard          Again

        Spirit Control           New York City   1904

AGREEMENT - "The spirit world will be capitalizing itself in your thinking.  The audible communication once heard by the world's best men will be heard again.  Then there will be prophets and apostles in your pulpits, and then there will be no complaints of empty churches.  This will be a visible [clairvoyance] and audible [clairaudience] demonstration that the kingdom of heaven is at hand, as it was when Jesus and the angels at Bethlehem broke through.  And when Moses and Elijah appeared."  (Spirit message given through a deep-trance medium via direct voice and witnessed by Dr. Isaac Funk, pictured here.  He was a famous publisher and psychic investigator - New York City - 1904) 

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A New Dawn: Image

              "Weigh What Is Said"        Imperator   England 1873

AGREEMENT - "Weigh what is said.  If it be commended by reason, receive it; if not reject it.  If what is put before you prematurely said, and you are unable to accept it, then in the name of God, put it aside.  And cling to aught [something] that satisfies your soul and helps its onward progress.  The time will come when what we lay before you of divine truth will be valued amongst men.  We are content to wait, and our prayers shall join with yours to the supreme and all-wise God that He will guide the seekers after higher and more progressive knowledge, to richer and fuller insight into truth.  May His blessings rest on you."  (Spirit Teacher Imperator speaking to Rev. Stainton Moses via automatic writing - England - 1873)

A New Dawn: Text

Julia Ames

London 1894

AGREEMENT - "What they tell me on all sides, and especially my dear guides, is that the time is come when there is to be a great spiritual awakening among the nations.  And that the agency which is to bring this about is the sudden and conclusive demonstration, in every individual who seeks for it, of the reality of the spirit.  Of the permanence of the soul.  And the immanence of the Divine."  (Julia Ames was an American journalist and Temperance Reform supporter. She  communicated to William T. Stead by way of automatic writing - England - 1894)

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         "A New Era"     Spirit Message       France 1857

AGREEMENT - [Question #798] - "Will spiritism become the general belief or will its acceptance remain confined to a few?" - "It will certainly become the general belief and will mark a new era in the history of the human race because it belongs to the natural order of things. And because the time has come for it to be ranked among the branches of human knowledge."  (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec by way of automatic writing - France - 1857)

A New Dawn: Text
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"A Great Wave"

A Hindu Spirit      England 1900

 AGREEMENT - [A Hindu Spirit speaking to Rev Arthur Chambers] -  ".....there is now an ever-increasing number who are reading more intelligently their Bible and perceiving great truths therein - which have been lost sight of during past centuries.  A great wave of spiritual influence is passing over your world and breaking through the hard crust of materialistic thought and feeling.  Some of your great thinkers and preachers are beginning to acknowledge the nearness of the spiritual."  (A Hindu Spirit - England - 1900) [In addition to Rev. Chambers, we have Mr. Allan Kardec - 1857; Rev. Stainton Moses - 1873; Rev. George Owen - 1913; Johannes Greber - 1923.  And into the future: Rev. Charles Drayton Thomas - 1928; Sister Frances Banks -1965; Rev. A.D. Mattson - 1973 and The Spiritual Lodge Zurich - 1950 to Present Day]   

A New Dawn: Text

Allan Kardec

France 1857

[HIS OWN WORDS] - "Through the moral teachings of spiritism, the human race will enter upon a new phase of its destiny - that of moral progress, which is the inevitable consequence of this belief.  The rapid spread of spiritist ideas should cause no surprise, being due to the profound satisfaction they give to those who adopt them with intelligence and sincerity.  And as happiness is what men desire above all things, it is not surprising that they should embrace ideas which impart so much happiness to those who hold them."  (Excerpt taken from The Spirits' Book by Allan Kardec - France - 1857)  

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A New Dawn: About
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A New Dawn: Image

You Are Immortal

Imperator       England 1873

"It was said of the Christ that he brought life and immortality to light...The outcome of the Revelation of Christ, which is only now beginning to be seen amongst men, is in its truest sense the abolition of death, the demonstration of immortality.  In that great truth - man never dies, cannot die, however he may wish it - in that great truth rests the key to the future.  The immortality of man, held not as an article of faith, a clause in a creed - but as a piece of personal knowledge and individual experience.  This is the keynote of the religion of the future.  In its trail come all the grand truths we teach, all the noblest conceptions of duty, the grandest views of destiny, the truest realizations of life.  (Spirit Teacher Imperator - England -1873)

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Sunset Views
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"People Will Survive the Shock of Death"

Spirit Control      New York City 1904

AGREEMENT - "Let people know that they will survive the shock of death, and you will add immensely to the dignity of life.  Let this be a step with them from belief to knowledge, and hope will have a thousandfold more power to lift the world.  Nothing so dwarfs the spiritual nature and hinders progress as materialism.....That man among you who can get the world to believe that spirit communication is a fact demonstrating individuality and immortality will do for the earth more than has ever been done by any man save Jesus Christ."  (Spirit Control speaking to  Dr. Issac Funk - New York City - 1904)

A New Dawn: Text

Conscious Immortality

Ervin Laszlo     United States   2014 

AGREEMENT WITH CURRENT RESEARCH INTO HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS - "The era of conscious immortality would mark a new phase in the history of human life on this planet....[It] would change our relations to each other and to nature.  We would not become saints and angels, but we would evolve into beings who know that they possess an immortal mind.  We would no longer live in fear of dearh, in the fear that our days are numbered and lead to nothingness....We would lead a more responsible life, caring for the well-being of other people and for our life-supporting environment.  We would know that when our body dies, we do not leave this world but only transit into another phase of existence.  Realizing that our consciousness is immortal would give us the assurance we need to experience joy in living and tranquility in dying."  (Excerpt taken from Laszlo's book, The Immortal Mind - Ervin Laszlo is a systems scientist and integral theorist, twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize)

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