Spiritual Revelations Across Time

Love and Service on Earth
"You Have Among You Spirits Bright Noble" England 1873
"You have among you spirits bright and noble, whose mission in the earth-life is among the dens of infamy and haunts of vice, and who preparing for themselves a crown of glory, whose brightest jewels are self-sacrifice and love. So amongst us there are spirits who give themselves to work in the sphere of the degraded and abandoned. By their efforts, many spirits rise, and when rescued from degradation, work out long and laborious purification in the probation spheres where they are removed from influences for evil and entrusted to the care of the pure and good. So, desire for holiness is encouraged, and the spirit is purified." (Spirit message received by Rev. Stainton Moses via automatic writing - England - 1873)

A Special Mission
Rev. Owen's Mother England 1913
(Part 1 of 3) - "We were wandering a short time ago in a beautiful woodland place...Then, whom should we see but an angel from a higher sphere. He stood and looked on us with a smile but did not speak. And we became aware that he had a message for one of us especially." [Here he addressed Rev. Owen's mother.] "My child, I am sent to you from the Master Whom you have learned to trust, and the way before you is seen by Him but not by you....you have been chosen for a mission which is new to you in your service here. You will be able, of course, to visit these your friends at will, but now you must leave hem for a time, and I will show you your new home and duties" (Rev. George Owen's mother speaking to him via automatic writing - England - 1913)

Angel of the House of Sorrow Rev. Owen's Mother England 1913
(Part 2 of 3) - "We passed over a high mountain range where many palaces were, and at last....we descended in a city where I had not been before....we were in a garden surrounding a large building with steps. Up we went, and at the great doorway, we met a very beautiful lady, stately but not proud. She was the Angel of the House of Sorrow....The sorrow is not of those who dwell there, but is the lot of those to whom they minister. The sorrowful ones are those on earth, and it is the business of the residents in this House to send them vibrations which have the effect of neutralizing the vibrations of sorrowful hearts on earth." (Rev. Owen's mother - England - 1913)

Prayers and Sighs Are Registered Rev. Owen's Mother England 1913
(Part 3 of 3) - "This, then, is my present and latest phase of service, and a very happy one it promises to be. But I have only just begun to understand the prayers which are brought to us there and registered. And the sighs of those in trouble we hear - or rather, they are also registered, and we see or feel them, as it were, and send out our own vibrations in answer....There are many such places here, as I learn - all in touch with earth...." (Rev.. Owen's mother communicating to him via automatic writing - England - 1913)

Carrie Rafferty California 1917
"We asked Dee [Carrie Rafferty] if she would have known if we had had an accident while riding in the automobile." 'Instantly! A mesenger would have called me, and I would have been with you....if it did occur, we would be notified at once, and we would be with you in a flash. There are clairvoyant messengers [also called "missionary spirits"] who are watching and seeing any necessity of calling [spirit] friends of mortals when such mortals need help.'" (Carrie Rafferty speaking to Charlotte Dresser via automatic writing - California - 1917)
Our Sole Mission
Imperator England 1874
"We have before us one sole aim. And that alone has brought us to your earth. You know our mission. In days when faith has grown cold, and belief in God and immortality is waning to a close, we come to demonstrate to man that he is immortal by virtue of the possession of that soul, which is a spark struck off from Deity itself [ the Divine Spark]. We wish to teach him (1) of the errors of the past; (2) to show him the life that leads to progress; and (3) to point him to the future of development and growth." (Spirit Teacher Imperator communicating to Rev. Stainton Moses by way of automatic writing - England - 1874)
"Service, Love, Knowledge, Growth" Mary Bosworth California 1917
AGREEMENT - "We are told that the higher spirits believe that they have knowledge that the world needs, and like the rest of us, are trying to give it.....Service, love, knowledge, growth. These are the foundations of all our teaching." (Spirit Mary Bosworth speaking to medium Charlotte Dresser via automatic writing - California - 1917)