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Spirit Communication

Spirit Communication: Welcome

Spirit Phenomena & The Bible

      Spirit Control         New York City  1904

"Friend, to get rid of spirit phenomena, you are getting rid of the Bible....Read your Bible.  It tells some will be given the gift of healing; to others, the gift of discerning spirits. Was this said only for the old times or for all time?  The same law governs now that governed then....[The Bible] is a book full of spirit phenomena."  (A Spirit Control speaking through a deep-trance medium and witnessed by Dr. Issac Funk, pictured here.  He was a famous publisher and psychic investigator - New York City - 1904)


Spirit Communication: Welcome

Celsior         Germany 1923

AGREEMENT - "It is not only In the Old Testament that you will find references to communication with the spirit world, but to the same extent in the New.  Each of the Gospels and, in particular, the history of the Apostles contain many accounts of revelations made by spirits.  Christ Himself solemnly promised all who would believe, that He would send them God's spirits."  (Celsior - One of God's Highest Spirits - Germany - 1923)    


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Celsior              Germany 1923

AGREEMENT - "The phenomena witnessed during the divine service of the early Christians, for which you of today can find no explanation, were nothing else than the comings and goings of spirits who spoke through one of the worshippers in a foreign tongue and through a second in the mother tongue of the congregation...who gave through a third the power of healng the sick....In those days, these things were of daily occurrence and were looked upon as matters of course."  (Celsior - Germany - 1923) 


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"Who Are You?"

A Hindu Spirit        England 1900

(Part 1 of 3) - [Question asked by Rev. Chambers] - "You claim - do you not - to be a spiritual intelligence, speaking through the physical organs of Mr. A?" - [Hindu Spirit] - "Yes," - [Chambers] - "Who are You?" - [Spirit] - "I am a man who lived in India, when in the earth-life, and spent a great portion of my time in studying the truths that relate to this World in which I am now." - [Chamers] - "What is your object in controlling the body of Mr. A?" - [Spirit] - "To establish a communication through him with the world I have left." - [Chambers] - "For what end?" - [Spirit] - "To try and convince men of the fact of a World of Spirit."  (A Hindu Spirit of high caste communicating to Rev. Arthur Chambers via a trance medium - England - 1900)  


Spirit Communication: About

A Hindu Spirit     England 1900

AGREEMENT WITH CELSIOR'S REVELATION ABOVE - (Part 2 of 3) - [Chambers] - "But, surely, that fact is acknowledged, is it not?  We Christians, for example, acknowledge it." - [Spirit] - "Yes, in a way.  Your Bible is full of testimony regarding it, and you profess to accept its teaching.  [However] you well know that many who read their Bible school themselves to think that all the spiritual facts recorded therein actually did take place thousands of years ago.  But ask them to believe that like things are happening now.  What will they say?  Will they not declare it to be incredible and absurd?"  (Hindu Spirit - England 1900)


Spirit Communication: Text

A Hindu Spirit     England 1900

AGREEMENT - (Part 3 of 3) - [Chambers] - "Are they wrong?  - [Spirit] - "Why ask such a question!  Do you suppose that the Spiritual World is now different from what it was before and at the time when Christ sojourned on your earth?  Nearly all phases of spiritual manifestation described in the Bible are present occurrences."  - [Chambers] - "If that be so, how come it that the truth is not better realised?" - [Spirit] - "Because the tendency of men's minds is too materialistic.  When that is the case, a revelation of the Spiritual becoms more difficult."  (Hindu Spirit - England 1900)  (The above three excerpts are taken from Chambers' book Man and the Spiritual World: As disclosed by the Bible)  


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Spirit Communication: Text


A Hindu Spirit      England 1900

 [Hindu Spirit ] -  "But there is now an ever-increasing number who are reading more intelligently their Bible and perceiving great truths therein - which have been lost sight of during past centuries.  A great wave of spiritual influence is passing over your world and breaking through the hard crust of materialistic thought and feeling.  Some of your great thinkers and preachers are beginning to acknowledge the nearness of the spiritual."  [For example, as presented on this website, Mr. Allan Kardec 1857; Rev' Stainton Moses 1873; Rev.  - (A Hindu Spirit - England 1900)   

Spirit Communication: Text

Julia Ames

London 1909

"I am more and more convinced that the establishment of the fact that, and the certainty of communication between this world and yours, may be described without exaggeration as the most important thing in the whole range of the possible achievements of mortal men.  There is nothing like it for the far-reaching influence which it will exercise over all things.  For it will modify thought, and thought makes the world in which you live.  (Julia Ames was an American journalist and Temperance Reform supporter.  She communicated via the automatic writing of medium William T. Stead - England 1909)


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William Stead Speaks

London, England 1912

[As a materialized spirit, William T. Stead, famous author and journalist, had this conversation with Count Chedo Miyatovich in London, England 1912} - "'Yes, I am Stead.  William T. Stead.  My dear friend, Miyatovich, I came here expressly to give you fresh proof that there is life after death.  You always hesitated to accept that truth.'  I interrupted him, saying, 'But you know I always believed what you said to me.'  'Yes', he continued.  'you believed because I was telling you something about it.  Now, I come here to bring you proof that you should not only believe but know' (pronouncing this word with great emphasis) 'that there really is a life after death.'" (Stead as spirit was able to appear thanks to the mediumship of Mrs. Etta Wriedt - England 1912)


Spirit Communication: About Me

Count Miyatovich's Testimony

"I wish to state publicly that I am deeply grateful to the wonderful gift of Mrs. Wriedt for having enabled me to obtain from my unforgettable friend, W. T. Stead, a convincing proof that there is life after death.  And for having given me the almost heavenly joy of hearing the affectionate words of my dear mother in our own tongue [Croatian].  And in getting another and sacred proof of the continuance of the living individuality of one of the most charming, selfless and generous persons whom I have ever known in my life." - Count Chedo Miyatovich - London, England - 1912 - (above conversation and testimony taken from Man's Survival after Death by Rev. Charles Tweedale)


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Automatic    Writing

         London 1960s

Shown here is a photograph of a Mrs. P. Savile of South Norwood, London.  She is in the process of receiving spiritual messages via automatic writing.  This photo was taken in the 1960s.  This style of writing is identical to that which Rev. George Owen performed when he was receiving his spiritual messages from his mother and at least two spirit guides, Astriel and Arnol in 1913.  See below.  (photo courtesy of Media Storehouse)  

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Automatic Writing

England 1913 

Here is a 1913 sample of Rev. George Owen's automatic writing style.  Notice the similarity to the photo above.  Yet, these samples were written by two different mediums at two different times - about a 50-year span.  Interesting.  (Sample photo taken from The Life Beyond the Veil by Rev. George Owen)


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The Process

Rev. Owen's Mother       England 1913


[In reference to an earlier message] -"Now, my boy, just think for a moment.  Is this from your own mind or through it, as you say?  When you sat down to write, as you know, nothing was farther from your thoughts for we had carefully refrained from impressing you.  And yet, you went off at once on the account as we influenced you.  Is that not so?"  [Rev. Owens replies] "Yes, I admit that frankly."  "On two occasions only had I any idea what subject was to be treated.,,,At other times, I had fully expected a certain subject  to be taken, but on taking up my pencil, the stream of thought went off in an altogether different direction."  (Rev. Owens mother speaking to him via automatic writing - England - 1913)


Spirit Communication: Text

Mary Bosworth      California 1917

[This Question-and Answer focuses on the process of automatic writing] - Question from Charlotte Dresser, trance medium, to Spirit Teacher Mary Bosworth - "Are you compelled to come when we call?"- "We are not obliged except by the love we have and the interest we feel.  When you wish to write, the effort to bring us in touch with you is like an electric signal; and whenever I feel the signal, I come flying home to know what you have to say.  The signal is like a flash of intelligence in the brain.  Or like a touch or a sound.  We listen or feel - and come at once.  You are our charge; therefore, we come when you call.  Also, we are watching to get our messages through to earth."  (Mary Bosworth - California - 1917) 

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"Why Spirit Communication?"

Asks a Spirit from Another Plane  California 1917

(Part 1 of 3) - [A Spirit Control begins the conversation] - "A visitor from another plane wishes to talk.  He is interested in our work and wishes you to tell him some of the reasons why communication between the two worlds should continue."  [Charlotte Dresser] - 'Is it new to him?' - "Yes, he has never been brought into contact with it on his plane.  He left no very strong ties on the earth plane, so he asks in all seriousness, why there should be such communication."  [Dresser] - 'Have you not told him your reasons?' - "Yes, but he wishes yours also." - 'We think the principal reason is to furnish proofs of the reality of a future existence.'  (Spirit message received by Charlotte Dresser via automatic writing - California - 1917) 


Spirit Communication: Text

Spirit Control       California 1917

(Part 2 of 3) - [Spirit Control] - "That is of great importance, he admits." - [Dresser] - 'Another reason is to impress mortals that they are preparing their future life now and should be made aware of it.' - "Yes; he admits that also," - [Dresser] - 'Did he have no fear of death?' - [Spirit] - "No, he had no fear.  But he sees that it might be a sad thing if one anticipated either annihilation or the everlasting punishment that was a part of the old creed." - [Dresser] - 'We feel that there is a growing loss of faith in the truth of the Bible, and therefore, a loss of faith in a future life.  Communication might suppy material for renewing that faith.'  (Spirit message received - California - 1917)


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"The Work Is Necessary"

Spirit Control         California 1917

(Part 3 of 3) - [Spirit Control] - "He never doubted the Bible and so never knew that such proof was necessary...These are all arguments that he sees now, but he did not realize the need while there [on earth].  He lived a moral life with sufficient belief in this life to be comfortably hopeful and fearless of the future.  As he believed in the Bible and in the church, and was a worker in his church associations, he believed these suffcient for anyone. Therefore, he had no need for any knowledge beyond the teachings of the church.  And as you state your viewpoint, he begins to feel that the work is necessary and must go on.  It is sometimes necessary to convince spirits on this side of the value of the work of communication."  (Spirit message received - California 1917)


Spirit Communication: About

"You Are Surrounded"

Spirit Control           New York City 1904

[Question asked by Dr. Issac Funk] - "In what way would spirit communication supply a remedy?" - [Spirit Control] - "What the world needs is outlook.  Believe with [Saint] Paul that you are surrounded with a multitude of witnesses.  You must have a rational scientific answer 'Yes' to the question: 'If a man die, shall he live again?'  Were you to have open communication with your spirit mother, your father, your child, with ...a Lincoln, a Thomas a Kempis...and were you to know that these people were looking at you - would you not act more nobly?  No, you do not believe in the 'communion of the saints' or even in the resurrection of the dead.  Let one tell you that he spoke to your dead, and like [Doubting Thomas], you would say it is too absurd for credence.  Even tho you yourelf saw them, you would doubt your own eyes." (A Spirit Control speaking to Issac Funk - New York City - 1904) 


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A Key to the Bible

           Spirit Control             New York City 1904

"Rightly understood, [Spiritualism] is the key to the Bible, and it will usher in your millennium..  It will teach you to love truth, goodness, spirituality - and to prefer others to yourselves....Believe me, Spiritualism is able to furnish to the world a scientific basis for Christianity.  That is its mission.  It makes the spirit phenomena of the Bible continuous" [up to the present]....[A member of the Circle] - "We thank you, spirit control, for what you are giving us and getting [other spirits] to give us." - [Control] - "No, my dear sir, it is God you are to thank - for all good things come from Him.  He is over all and in all."  (A Spirit Control speaking through a trance medium and witnessed by Dr. Issac Funk - New York City - 1904) 


Spirit Communication: Welcome

Charlotte Dresser     California 1917

AGREEMENT - [Trance medium Charlotte Dresser] - "We feel that there is a growing loss of faith in the truth of the Bible, and therefore, a loss of faith in a future life.  [Spirit] communication might supply material for renewing that faith."  (Charlotte Dresser - California - 1917)


Spirit Communication: Text

"To God Alone!"

Celsior         Germany 1923

AGREEMENT - [Here is confirmation that the Spirit Control speaking to Issac Funk above is one of God's spirits] - [Celsior] - "No holy spirit created by God possesses anything whatsoever in its own right.  Nor can it, of its own accord, surrender anything thereof to men.  Hence, let all glory be to 

God alone!  This also is the reason why God's spirits, when they manifest themselves, invariably decline your thanks.  For whenever you tried to thank them, they would reply: 'Give thanks to God!'"  (Celsior -one of God's Highest Spirits - Germany 1923)


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"Spiritual Suggestion"

A Hindu Spirit       England 1900

(Part 1 of 2) - [Rev. Chambers] - "Many of the things you have told me appear like familiar truths, and yet I cannot tell when, or where, I learned them.  Is this not strange?"  [Hindu Spirit] - "No, you have been taught them." [Chambers] - "By whom?"  [Spirit] - "By several in our world who are guiding you."  [Chambers] - "But I am not controlled?" [Spirit] - "Not physically, but you are mentally.  They impress your mind with a thought, and you clothe it with language and ideas." [Chambers] - "Is this possible?"  [Spirit] - "Read your Bible for the answer.  Inspiration (or it should be more correctly termed, 'spiritual suggestion') is a fact."  (A Hindu Spirit communicating to Rev. Chambers via a trance medium - England - 1900)


Spirit Communication: About Me

A Hindu Spirit       England 1900

AGREEMENT - Part 2 of 2) - [Rev. Chambers] - "Are men, then, still being guided in this way?"  [Hindu Spirit] - "Yes.  Many are.  Have I not told you that a great wave of spiritual energy is now passing from our world to yours?"  [Chambers] - May we hope, then, that men, as time goes on, will better understand the truth concerning the Spiritual than they have hitherto done?" [ Spirit] - "Most assuredly.  Have you not, yourself, received the testimony of hundreds that they are craving for clearer light than the schoolmen give?" - [Chambers] - Will the Bible be superseded?"  [Spirit] - "No.  But it will be better understood." (A Hindu Spirit - England - 1900)


Spirit Communication: Text

"Why Is It Strange?"

            Spirit Control              New York City 1904

AGREEMENT - "Do you not know that this [the teachings of Spiritualism] will make credible the resurrection of Jesus Christ?  If your dead can materialize and walk on earth, why is it strange that an exalted being like Jesus should materialize and walk on earth for thirty-three years and come back again after He had entered the grave?  (A Spirit Control speaking to Dr. Issac Funk - New York City - 1904)


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The Test

Dr. Issac Funk   New York City 1904

[Here are Dr. Issac Funk's own words] -"This is a test that Spiritualism must be able to stand: 'By their fruits shall ye know them.'  If these fruits are not sweet, pure, uplifting, true - then Spiritualism is worthless and must perish.  In making this test, I would also apply John 4: 1-3 ['Try the spirits whether they are of God']....This to me is the supreme test of the rightness of Spiritualism."  (Issac Funk - New York City - 1904)

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"Hear me..."

           Spirit Control          New York City 1904

"Hear me, Jesus Christ is over all.  The greatest and highest of spirits.  To Him, all must be conformed.  There can be no spiritual advance except by being conformed to the requirements of the God-man.  Earth life is too short to meet the requirements of God's type.  Growth goes on from cycle to cycle."  (Spirit Control speaking to Issac Funk - New York City - 1904)

Spirit Communication: Welcome

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