Spiritual Revelations Across Time

Love and Service in Heaven
Love and Service
Mary Bosworth California 1917
“Many undeveloped souls are constantly coming. We meet and care for them and lead them patiently onward into better knowledge. To meet those who have tried to do right on earth, even though mistaken in their beliefs, is a work of love here, and the way is made bright for them by the friendliness of their reception. There are circles whose principal work is to care for those who arrive without any conception of this life - ignorance pure and simple. People who have never thought or questioned beyond the earthly existence." (Mary Bosworth speaking to Charlotte Dresser via automatic writing – California, USA - 1917)
Spirit Message France 1857
AGREEMENT - "You must not suppose that spirits of the highest order are absorbed in an eternal contemplation, which would be an monotonous and stupid sort of happiness. And a selfish one also because such an existence would be a perpetual uselessness....as we have told you, they know and comprehend all things and make use of the intelligence they have acquired in aiding the progress of other spirits. They find enjoyment in this order of occupation." (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec via automatic writing - France - 1857)

"A Joy"
Spirit Message France 1857
AGREEMENT - [Question by Allan Kardec - #976] - "Is not the sight of spirits who suffer a cause of affliction for the good ones? And, if so, what becomes of the happiness of the latter?" - "Good spirits are not distressed by the suffering of those who are at a lower point than themselves because they know it will have an end. They aid those who suffer to become better and lend them a helping hand. To do this is their occupation and is a joy for them when thet succeed." (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec by way of automatic writing - France - 1857)
Spirit Message France 1857
[Question posed by Allan Kardec - #280] - "What is the nature of the relations between good and bad spirits?" - "The goods endeavor to combat the evil tendencies of the others in order to aid them to raise themselves to a higher degree. This intercourse is, for the former, a mission," (Spirit message received by Kardec - France - 1857)
"Those Who Serve Are the Greatest" Mary Bosworth California 1917
“Those who serve most are the greatest here. There is no computing of place or position except by service or wisdom. Service may be of the intelligence or of the spiritual gifts – or the more common activities. But the wiser the service or the more loving and unselfish the giving of one’s self – these are the things that give prominence in spirit life.” (Mary Bosworth – California, USA – 1917)

"Such Tenderness and Love" Spirit Message California 1917
“I was too ill to realize my danger and passed over without knowing it. But oh, my dear! I was met with such tenderness and love that my life seemed all at once transformed. And I have desired nothing so much as to grow into the same loving service for others. I am with a circle who meet many who, like me, come over alone; and the care that we may give them is a joy greater than I can describe.” (Spirit message received by Charlotte Dresser by way of automatic writing – 1917)

"Love as the Foundation"
Spirit Message California 1917
"Then we [Charlotte Dresser and Fred Rafferty] are told that love and service walk hand in hand in that other and better life....'All labor, all service, all giving of one's self should begin with love and be filled with love. Service to mankind, service always and everywhere, with love as the foundation of the effort. Christ came to preach this law of love, and the world must be rebaptized with love if it is to experience peace among nations.'" (Spirit message received by Charlotte Dresser - California - 1917)