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Spiritual  Knowledge & Education

Spiritual Knowledge and Education: Text

A Spirit's Progress

Imperator        England 1875

"This is the Spirit's progress....It is regeneration of spirit that is the culmination of bodily life, and the process is crucifixion of self - a daily death, as Paul was wont to say.  In the life of spiritual progress, there should be no stagnation, no paralysis.  It should be a growth and a daily adaptation of knowledge.  A mortification of the earthly and sensual - and a corresponding development of the spiritual and heavenly.  In other words, it is a growth in grace and in the knowledge of the Christ - the purest type of human life presented to your imitation.  A clearing away of the material...a development of the spiritual - a purging as by fire...of a life-long struggle with self [and] an ever widening grasp of Divine truth.  By no other means can spirit be purified.  The furnance is one of self-sacrifice.  The process, the same for all."  (Spirit Teacher Imperator communicating to Rev. Stainton Moses by way of automatic writing - England 1875)   

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"A Chief Danger"

Spirit Control     New York City 1904

AGREEMENT - "A chief danger of your age is the loss of the consciousness of sin and dependence upon the higher cycles and upon God.  Supreme fullness is through supreme emptiness.  Jesus is chiefest - but is chiefest in dependence on the Father.  To feel thus dependent is simply a recognition of truth.  And it is the spirit of truth that is to rule."  (A Spirit Control speaking to Dr. Issac Funk via a trance medium - New York City - 1904)

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"A Power for Good"

Mary Bosworth    California 1917

“You do not realize the necessity in your world for a stronger and more compelling spiritual belief.  We think it possible to create that belief through the influence and teachings from this side.  We are trying to exert a power for good upon a world that sadly needs our help….All ways are needed, if through them we can teach the earth-people that they are now, through their mortal lives, preparing either happiness or bitter regret or sorrow for the future life.”    (Mary Bosworth via medium Charlotte Dresser – California, USA - 1917)

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      Our Duties to Perform on Earth        Rector        England 1873

(Part 1 of 2) - "Man - an immortal spirit, so we believe, - placed in earth-life as a school of training, has simple duties to perform, and in performing them is prepared for more advanced and progressive work.  He is governed by immutable laws, which, if he transgresses them, work for him misery and loss; which, also, if respected, secure for him advancement and satisfaction.  (Spirit Rector speaking to Stainton Moses via automatic writing - England - 1873)

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Rector          England 1873

(Part 2 of 2) - "He is the recipient of guidance from spirits who have trod the path before him, and who are commissioned to guide him if he will avail himself of their guidance.  He has within him a standard of right [a moral law placed within his soul at the time of his creation in the spirit world] which will direct him to the truth - IF he will allow himself to be guided to keep it and protect it from injury.  If he refuses these helps, he falls into transgression and deterioration....Of his duties, he knows by the instinct of his spirit as well as by the teaching of his guardians.  The performance of those duties brings progress and happiness."  (Rector - England - 1873) 

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The Advantages of Spiritual Knowledge

Mary Bosworth       California 1917

I (Fred Rafferty) had been reading aloud one evening an article, in which apparently the foundation question was not, “Can the dead speak to us?” but “What good will it do if they can?” And we turned to Mary for her viewpoint. Very emphatically, the words were written: “What good? Where are her thoughts, her knowledge of the subject? She seems wholly ignorant of the higher teachings of this life; of the happiness it has brought to anxiety; of the peace that has lightened pain; of the joy that has overcome sorrow; of the happy anticipation of this life instead of the old terrified forebodings.” (Mary Bosworth – 1917)

Spiritual Knowledge and Education: Text

Spirit Message       France 1857

AGREEMENT - [Question #165] - "Does a knowledge of spiritism exercise any influence on the duration of this state of confusion [among spirits newly-arrived in the spirit world and experiencing disorientation]?" - "It exercises a very considerable influence on that duration because it enables the spirit to understand beforehand the new situation in which he is about to find itself.  But the practice of rectitude during the earthly life - and a clear conscience - are the conditions which conduce most powerfully to shorten it."  (Spirit message communicated to Allan Kardec via automatic writing - France - 1857) 

Spiritual Knowledge and Education: Text

"A New Era"

      Spirit Message        France 1857

[Question #798] - "Will spiritism become the general belief or will its acceptance remain confined to a few?" - "It will certainly become the general belief and will mark a new era in the history of the human race because it belongs to the natural order of things. And because the time has come for it to be ranked among the branches of human knowledge."  (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec by way of automatic writing - France - 1857)

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Man's True Future

Spirit Message    France 1857

[Question # 799] - "In what way can spiritism contribute to progress?" - "By destroying materialism, which is one of the sores of society - and thus making men understand where their true future lies. The future [spiritual] life being no longer veiled by doubt, men will understand more clearly that they can ensure the happiness of their future by their actions in the present life.  By destroying the prejudices of sects, castes and colors, it teaches men the large solidarity that will, one day, unite them as brothers."  (Spirit message received by Kardec - France - 1857)

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Mark 3-35 Whoever Does The Will Of The Father purple.jpg
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The Joy of Knowledge

Carrie Rafferty     California 1917

  "The joy of acquiring knowledge is one of the delights of this life.  We never tire of learning for we love knowledge too much.  All knowledge here is acquired with ease, and all the spirit functions of sight, hearing and memory are vastly in advance of the earthly ability, and there is no limit to knowledge or happiness.  (Carrie Rafferty communicating with Charlotte Dresser via automatic writing - California - 1917)

Spiritual Knowledge and Education: Text

California 1917

"We study for knowledge of the earth from which we here all come, knowledge of the conditions there and ways of improving those conditions.  Then the knowledge of higher spiritual activities and the power that this knowledge gives - knowledge to be used for other lives, sometimes on earth, sometimes on other planets....Always giving out. Do not forget that knowledge is to be used for others....Then comes the study of spiritual laws; for these must be known and understood , that a newly arrived spirit may not infringe upon them.  (Carrie Rafferty - California - 1917)

Spiritual Knowledge and Education: Text

But Spirits Don't Know Everything

Mary Bosworth       California 1917

[Question - "Do you comprehend infinity better than we do here?"]- "Many, many things are beyond our comprehension yet.  But we grow toward the larger understanding by degrees.  Would you have all knowledge at once?  If all things opened out to you at once, what would you do throughout all eternity except for something new?  NO!  Knowledge is always progressive.  And the farther we go, the broader the outlook.  The more we learn, the more infinite seems the knowledge beyond."  (Mary Bosworth speaking to Charlotte Dresser - California - 1917)

Spiritual Knowledge and Education: Text

          "We Do Not Claim Infallibility"             Spirit Control        New York City  1904

AGREEMENT - "We do not claim infallibility.  We also are learners, but we know far more than you on earth know.  As those above us know far more than we.  It is God's way that the higher spheres be the schoolmasters of the lowers.  We grow by helping.  sacrifice is the way."  (Spirit Control speaking to Dr. Issac Funk via direct voice - New York City - 1904)  [Issac Funk was a famous publisher and psychic investigator] 

Spiritual Knowledge and Education: Text

  Imperator      England 1877

AGREEMENT - "You do not need to be told that it is an esential condition of spiritual progress that selfishness in all its forms be crushed out.  That no gift be kept for private and isolated use.  But that in all things, the precept be obeyed: Freely ye have received; freely give." - (Spirit Teacher Imperator speaking to Rev. Stainton Moses via automatic writing - England - 1877)  

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Carrie Rafferty       California 1917

"Once these [spiritual]  laws are understood, the newly-arrived spirit may discover the infinite variety of teaching here and may select the study most adapted to his taste....[which means] the specialty he desires most to perfect himself in.  This done, his work commences, happy work and happy acquisition of knowledge."  (Carrie Rafferty - California - 1917)

Spiritual Knowledge and Education: Text

"Led by Spirit Guidance"

Imperator       England 1873

"....we have said before that man cannot receive more than he is prepared for.  He is gradually led by spirit-guidance to a higher plane of knowledge.  And then, when the need is felt, advanced and progressive information is given to him...Sufficient that we tell you that spirit-preparation precedes your knowledge and enables the progressive mind to evolve for itself higher views of truth..."  (Spirit Teacher Imperator speaking to Rev. Stainton Moses via automatic writing - England - 1873) 

Spiritual Knowledge and Education: Text

The 3 Enemies of Spirit

Imperator      England 1876

[Question from Rev. Moses] - (Part 1 of 2) - "Yes.  The struggle is severe, and one hardly knows what to fight against."  -  "Begin within.  The ancients were wise in their description of the enemies.  A spirit has three foes - (1) itself; (2) the external world around it; and (3) the spiritual foes that beset the upward path.  These are described as the Flesh, the World and the Devil....This, briefly, is the life of the progressive spirit - (1) self-sacrifice, whereby self is crucified [the giving of one's self in the service of others]; (2) self-denial, whereby the world is vanquished [the belief in materialism]; and (3) spiritual conflict, whereby the adversaries [the evil spirit world] are beaten back."  (Imperator - England - 1876) 

Spiritual Knowledge and Education: Text

How Heaven Is Won     Imperator     England 1876

(Part 2 of 2) - "In it is no stagnation; even no rest; no finality.  It is a daily death out of which springs the risen life.  It is a constant fight out of which is won perpetual progress.  It is the quenchless struggle of the light that is within [the Divine Spark] to shine out more and more into the radiance of the perfect day.  And, thus, only it is that what you call heaven is won."  (Imperator - England - 1876)  

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Selfishness & Sin

Spirit Message     California 1917

"Selfishness appears to us here as the foundation of all sin.  It appears to be the root of all evil.  And is insidious in its destruction of character.  Selfishness may be only superficial, or it may be deeply ingrained in the individual.  The first may be overcome when true knowledge takes place of vanity and superficiality; the second is the foundation of so much evil that it is most debasing in effect and most difficult to overcome....The selfish use of wealth and power; lack of sympathy for the poor or suffering; pride; self-esteem - all these and many other manifestations of self-love are working toward spiritual atrophy."  (Spirit message received by medium Charlotte Dresser via automatic writing - California - 1917)

Spiritual Knowledge and Education: Text

Imperator       England 1876

AGREEMENT - [Remark from Rev. Moses] - "I can understand how an idle, selfish life breeds spiritual disease.  Selfishness seems to me to be the root sin." - AGREEMENT - "It is the plague-spot of the spirit.  That which wrecks more souls than you dream of.  It is the very paralysis of the soul."  (Imperator - England - 1876)

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"Root Out Every Selfish Feeling"

Spirit Message      France 1857

AGREEMENT - [Question  #913] - "Which, among the vices, may be regarded as the root of all others?" - "Selfishness, as we have repeatedly told you, for it is from selfishness that everything evil proceeds.  Study all the vices, and you will see that selfishness is at the bottom of them all.  Combat them as you will, you will never succeed in extirpating [removing] them have destroyed selfishness...Let all your efforts tend to this end...Whoever would make, even in his earthly life, some approach towards moral excellence must root out every selfish feeling from his heart.  For selfishness is incompatible with justice, love and charity. It neutralises every good quality."  (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec via automatic writing - France - 1857)

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   A Simple       Truth

Spirit Message   New York City 1904

AGREEMENT - [Issac Funk's own words] - 'At a certain seance, we were earnestly urged:' - "Free yourselves from selfishness.  You are not living as brothers and sisters on earth, and this is the reason of so much of your affliction.  You profess the Christian religion.  Live it.  Give to others.  Give what you have. Give yourselves.  Jesus did this, and He is the way.  This is not Christian, Jewish, Buddhistic.  But simple truth.  The path of self-surrender is love for God, for man, for right.  It is seeking first the good of others, and then finding that all other things come freely."  (Spirit message given by a deep-trance medium and witnessed by Dr. Issac Funk, pictured here.  He was a famous publisher and psychic investigator - New York City - 1904)

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Why Is There Evil?

       Spirit Message       France 1857

[Question #466] - "Why does God permit spirits to incite us to evil? - "Imperfect spirits are used by Providence as instruments for trying men's faith and constancy in well-doing.  You, being a spirit, must advance in the knowledge of the infinite.  It is for this end that you are made to pass through the trials of evil in order to attain goodness. Our mission is to lead you onto the right road.  When you are acted upon by evil influences, it is because you attract evil spirits to you by your evil desires.  For evil spirits always come to aid you to do wrong when you give way to evil desires."  (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec - France - 1857) 

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                  We Are Put to the Test                   Celsior       Germany 1923

AGREEMENT - "Read the Scriptures!  They teach that God sends His trials in order to learn how men will act when put to the test and what course they will choose."  (Celsior - a Most High Spirit speaking to Rev. Greber via a trance medium - Germany - 1923)

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The Need for Spiritual                   Purity

                    Celsior           Germany 1923

AGREEMENT -"You know that any impure od, which may be present in a man, offers a dangerous opening to the evil spirit world...[which allows it] to work upon the worst side of his nature.  For impure od is the breath of life to evil spirits.  And whenever they find someone whose od is like their own, they can very readily not only influence his thoughts and imagination, but also arouse his physical passions to a dangerous pitch .  On the other hand, a man whose od is pure is not easily accessble to evil, which is kept from coming into direct contact with him by the radiation of his pure od...the purity of a man's od depends upon the purity of his spirit.  And most men, because of their impure minds, have already quite sufficient impure od to offer an opening to evil."  (Celsior - Rev. Greber's Most High Spirit speaking to him via a deep-trance medium - Germany - 1923)

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What Can We Do?

Spirit Message      France 1857

[Question #469] - "By what means can we neutralize the influence of evil spirits?" - "By doing only what is right and putting all your trust in God, you repel the influence of inferior spirits and prevent them from obtaining power over you.  Take care not to listen to the suggestions of spirits who inspire you with evil thoughts, stir up discord among you and excite in you evil passions....This is why Jesus makes you say in The Lord's Prayer, 'Let us not succumb to temptation, but deliver us from evil.'"  (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec - France - 1857)

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Avoiding Evil Is Great, But It's not Enough

Spirit Message       France 1857

[Question from Allan Kardec - #642] - "In order to be acceptable in the sight of God and to insure our future happiness, is it sufficient not to have done evil?" - "No.  It is necessary for each to have done good also to the utmost of his ability.  For each of you will have to answer - not only for all the evil he has done - but also for all the good which he has failed to do."  (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec- France - 1857)

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