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What Happens When You Die

What Happens When You Die: Text

Death Is Resurrection

Imperator    England - Easter Day 1877

"You forget that death leads to resurrection - and to regenerated life.  Life in a wider sphere with extended usefulness, with nobler aims, with truer purpose.  You forget that death must precede such life....Death in life is the spiritual motto.  Death culminating in a higher life...In dealing with spiritual truth - do not forget this."  (Spirit Teacher Imperator speaking to Rev. Stainton Moses via automatic writing - England -  Easter Day - 1877)

What Happens When You Die: Text


Spirit Message       France 1857

[A question asked by Allan Kardac - #157] - “Does the soul sometimes, at the moment of death, experience an aspiration or an ecstasy that gives it a foreglimpse of the world into which it is about to return?” - ‘The soul often feels the loosening of the bonds that attach it to the body and does its utmost to hasten and complete the work of separation. Already partially freed from matter, it beholds the future unrolled before it and enjoys in anticipation the spirit state upon which it is about to re-enter.’ (One of Allan Kardac’s sprit guides – France – 1857) 

What Happens When You Die: Text

Mr. G's Story

San Francisco       1902

[This is the story of Mr. G., a businessman whose clairvoyant ability allowed him to witness the separation of his wife's spiritual body from her physical body] (Part 1 of 2) - "I sat by the bedside, holding the patient's right hand in my own, and in this way two hours passed without any visible change...A quarter of an hour later, I saw three separate, well-defined layers of cloud drifting into the room....These floated silently toward the bed and enshrouded it completely...I saw at the head of my dying wife a female form about three feet was the shape of a woman...She was wrapped in a Grecian garment...upon her head she wore a radiant crown."

What Happens When You Die: Text

San Francisco      1902

(Part 2 of 2) - "Thus she stood motionless in her full splendor and beauty, her hands raised above my wife, seeming to bid her welcome with a cheerful and serene expression and radiating peace and repose...Above my wife, but connected with her by a cord of od, hovered a nude, white figure, apparently her odic [spiritual] body...The odic body was complete with perfectly formed limbs...The fatal moment came at last...After she had drawn her breath twice, everything became quiet.  At the instant of her last breath, the connecting cord broke and the odic body vanished.  The clouds and the spirit shapes also disappeared immediately..."  (The above story is taken from Communication with the Spirit World of God by Rev. Johannes Greber)

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What Happens When You Die: About Me

"Before Death"

A Hindu Spirit       England 1900

AGREEMENT - (Part 1 of 2) - [Rev. Chambers asked this question] - "I have taught - and still teach - that the separation of the spirit and the spirit-body from its earthly encasement takes place shortly after death.  Am I right in this?" - [Hindu Spirit] - "No.  You are wrong.  The separation takes place immediately before the death of the body.  [Chambers] - "That rather astonishes me."  (A Hindu Spirit communicating to Rev. Arthur Chambers via a trance medium - England - 1900)

What Happens When You Die: Text

A Hindu Spirit       England 1900

(Part 2 of 2) - [Hindu Spirit] - "I will explain.  A little while before death, the spirit body of a person releases itself from the physical form and floats at full length above the latter, with which it is still connected by something like a silver cord.  The physical body, as yet, is still alive, but it no longer contains the man.  He is in the spirit body....When the fine spiritual cord is snapped, the separation is effected, and the material life expires."  (A Hindu Spirit - England - 1900)

What Happens When You Die: Text
What Happens When You Die: Image

Spirit Message        France 1857

AGREEMENT - [Question #289] - "Do our relatives and friends sometimes come to meet us when we are leaving the earth?" - "Yes, they come to meet the soul of those they love...and they aid it in freeding itself from the bonds of flesh.  To be met thus by those they have loved is a favor granted to the souls of the upright.  While the soul of the wicked is punished by being left alone.  Or is only surrounded by spirits like itself.  (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec - France 1857)

What Happens When You Die: Text

The Awakening

Spirit Message   California 1917

"The awakening is a gradual coming into consciousness; yet, this unconscious condition differs in different people.  A case of long suffering, or brain trouble, or extreme ignorance, or even materialism might result in a long sleep or dream condition.  But the unconscious soul is even then beginning its education through the suggestions given by watchful guides and teachers."  (Spirit message received by Charlotte Dresser by way of automatic writing - California - 1917)

What Happens When You Die: Welcome

Spirit Message     California 1917

"There is a great difference in the length of time of this unconscious period of the discarnate soul....A very great influence abides in the habit of thought while on earth, whether it is a spiritual conviction or a material belief.  Many times the spirit comes over into the dream state with beliefs that have been deeply impressed upon it by mortal conditions."  (Spirit message received by Charlotte Dresser - California - 1917)

What Happens When You Die: Text

       Haunted by Fear        A Musician's Story

(Part 1 of 3) - [Medium Charlotte Dresser asked this question through her pen] - "You were so musical when here.  You must be interested in it there? - "You know how I loved it.  [On earth, he was a violinist] But when I came over, I was so dazed that for a long time, even music left me.  I had never thought seriously of this life.  I feared the change and tried to put it out of my mind.  I came rather suddenly.  A sudden cold. Pneumonia.  A brief illness.  And I was here.  Will you try to conceive what it was to come without a moment's real preparation or any try idea of this life?  Will you try to conceive the dense and unnecessary ignorance and fear?  (A Spirit Musician speaking to medium Charlotte Dresser via automatic writing - California - 1917)  

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"Fear Is Unnecessary"    California 1917

(Part 2 of 3) - "That is the tragedy of it all.  Fear is so unnecessary, and the change is so beautiful.  If only one could hold the true spiritual thought of life there [ on earth]....I did not have any warning particularly.  It was all so sudden, and my mind was bewildered until unconsciousness came.  Then I seemed to myself to be dreaming a beautiful dream.  And in this dream, selfish thought and purpose seemed to drift away.  And a new soul seemed to be born.  That was when I really was here, without my knowing that I had passed across the Great Divide."  (A Spirit Musican - California - 1917)  

What Happens When You Die: Text

A Musician Once More

(Part 3 of 3) - "After a time, my dream seemed to change into a reality.  And I was semi-conscious of friendliness and care surrounding me.  And then, after a little, I awoke to full consciousness and found that I had died, as they say there.  But as I say, found that I lived for the first time....After a while, I began to hear sounds.  And music, soft and gentle at first, seemed to pervade the air.  Then I knew that someday I could be what I always longed to be on earth - a musician.  I am in the music circle here and love it - love it more than I did on earth.  And you know how much that means."  (A Spirit Musician - California - 1917) 

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                                                                                       A Hindu Spirit     England 1900

"Many persons, after passing through what you call 'dying,' having left the earthly body behind, do not, for a while, realize that it has been cast off.  They are still, after the change, so really men and women."  (A Hindu Spirit speaking to Rev. Arthur Chambers by way of a trance medium - England - 1900)

What Happens When You Die: Text

Ways Spirits Help

Rev. Owen's Mother      England 1913

AGREEMENT (Part 1 of 3) "Now, let us see if we can impress you to write a few words of the conditions which we found when we arrived here - the conditions, that is, of those who pass over here when they first arrive.  They are not all of an equal degree of spiritual development, of course, and therefore,  require different treatment.  Many, as you know, do not realize for sometime the fact that they are what they would call "dead" because they find themselves alive and with a body..."  (Rev. George Owen's mother speaking to him via automatic writing - England - 1913)

What Happens When You Die: Text

     Rev. Owen's Mother                 England 1913

(Part 2 of 3) - "The first thing to do, then, is to help them to realize the fact that they are no more in the earth life, and to do this we employ many methods.  One is to ask them whether they remember some friend or relative.  And when they reply that they do but that he is dead, we try to enable them to see this particular spirit, who, appearing alive [in the spirit world], should convince the doubter that he is really passed over."  (Rev. George Owen's mother - England - 1913)

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What Happens When You Die: Welcome

Rev. Owen's Mother    England 1913

(Part 3 of 3) - ....another method....We take him to some scene on earth with which he is familiar and show him those he has left behind - and the difference in his state and theirs.  If this should fail, then we bring to his recollection the last experience he underwent before passing.  And gradually lead him up to the time when he fell asleep - and then try to connect that moment with his awakening the case of those who are more enlightened, they realize immediately that they are passed into the spirit land, and then our work is easy."  (Rev. Owen's mother - England - 1913)

What Happens When You Die: Text
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       Spirit Message        France 1857

AGREEMENT - [Question by Allan Kardec - #976] - "Is not the sight of spirits who suffer a cause of affliction for the good ones?  And, if so, what becomes of the happiness of the latter?"  -  "Good spirits are not distressed by the suffering of those who are at a lower point than themselves because they know it will have an end.  They aid those who suffer to become better and lend them a helping hand.  To do this is their occupation and is a joy for them when thet succeed."  (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec by way of automatic writing - France - 1857)

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Spirit Message     France 1857

[Question #237] - "Does the soul, when it has returned into the world of spirits, still possess the perceptions it possessed in the earthly life?" - 'Yes, and others it did not possess in that life because its body acted as a veil which obscured them.  Intelligence is an attribute of spirit, but it is manifested more freely when not hindered by the trammels of flesh.'" (Spirit message received by Kardec - France - 1857)

What Happens When You Die: Text

   Spirit Message    California 1917

AGREEMENT - "Your spiritual body is as much with you as it will be here; only there its powers are obscured by the five senses.  Those five senses make havoc with spiritual logic and instruction....They [the five senses] are given to serve you through the earthly phase of your journey hitherward but were not meant to chain, clog and darken the higher impressions.  Five senses! You have a hundred here  - and all more perfect than any of the five."  (Spirit message received by Charlotte Dresser - California - 1917) 

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What Happens When You Die: Welcome

"Spirit Freed from Matter"

Sprit Message        France 1857

AGREEMENT - [Question  #965] - "Is there anything of [a material sensation] in the joys and sorrows of the soul after death?" - "Common-sense tells you that they cannot be of a material nature because the soul is not matter.  There is nothing carnal in those joys and sorrows.  And yet, they are a thousand times more vivid than those you experience upon the earth because the spirit -when freed from matter - is more impressionable.  Matter deadens its sensibility."  (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec by way of automatic writing - France - 1857)

What Happens When You Die: Text

You Stay the Same

Mary Bosworth       California 1917

     “The thoughts, actions, habits of [your earth life] extend their influence to this one.  Lives filled with evil deeds, injustice, impurity, cruelty, dishonesty cannot wash themselves clean by slipping out of the material body through which you call death.  Make it known, you who can see and tell it to others.  Make it known to all who will learn!”  (Mary Bosworth speaking to Charlotte Dresser via automatic writing -  California, USA - 1917)

What Happens When You Die: Text

        A Hindu Spirit                    England 1900

AGREEMENT - [Question asked by Rev. Chambers] - "Do you assert that persons can be ignorant and untruthful in the Spiritual World?  Does not their entrance into that World at once enlighten them and make lying an impossibility?" - [Hindu Spirit] - "Persons enter the Spiritual World with precisely the same character, enlightenment and disposition as that with which they leave your world - and go into a sphere for which they are fitted.  And there they remain until, mentally, morally and spiritually advanced, they are fitted for a higher sphere."  (A Hindu Spirit speaking to Rev. Arthur Chambers via a trance medium - England - 1900)

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  "Dying"     Does not         Alter Character

         A Hindu Spirit                     England 1900 

AGREEMENT - [Chambers] - "Then I gather from your teaching that a person who has but just entered the Spiritual World may not be much better off than in this world?" - [Hindu Spirit] - "As regards his character, on entering our World, he is exactly what he was on leaving yours.  Good or bad.  Godly or ungodly.  Ignorant or enlightened.  Or in any condition that lies between these extremes.  What you call the 'act of dying' does not alter the character  of a person....As regards his surroundings, however, he is better off with us than with you.  [Because] every sphere of spiritual life, even the lowest, is interpenetrated by influences and ministries of good flowing into it from higher spheres."  (Hindu Spirit - England - 1900)

What Happens When You Die: Welcome

Spirit Message        France 1857

AGREEMENT - [A question asked by Allan Kardac - #159] - “What sensation is experienced by the soul at the moment when it recovers its consciousness in the world of spirits” - ‘That depends on circumstances. He who has done evil from the love of evil is overwhelmed with shame for his wrong doing. With the righteous, it is very different. His soul seems to be eased of a heavy load, for it does not dread the most searching glance.’ (Spirit message received by Allan Kardac – France – 1857)   

What Happens When You Die: Text

Spirit Message     France  1857

AGREEMENT - [A question by Kardec - #229] - "How is it that spirits, on quitting the earth, do not leave behind them all their evil passions?" - 'You have among you persons who are, for instance, excessively jealous.  Do you imagine that they lose this defect at once quitting your world?  There remains with spirit, after their departure from the earthly life, and especially with those who have had strongly marked passions, a sort of atmosphere by which they are enveloped - and which keeps up all their former evil qualities.  For spirits are not entirely freed from the influence of [materialism].'"  (Spirit message received by Allan Kardac- France 1857)

What Happens When You Die: Text

No Value

Imperator       England 1873

AGREEMENT - [Here, in very harsh, sarcastic language, Spirit Teacher Imperator stated that deathbed confessions are worthless] - "A life of sensuality or sloth or of offenses against all law, you are taught is remediable by an act of faith.  The grossest and most sensual ruffian may, by a cry on his deathbed, find himself instantaneously fitted for admission into the immediate presence of the God he has all his life blasphemed.  He, the impure, base earthy spirit admitted to association with the refined, the noble, the pure, the holy - and in the immediate presence of the perfection of the all-pure God!" (Spirit Teacher Imperator speaking to Rev. Stainton Moses via automatic writng - England - 1873) 

What Happens When You Die: Text

             A Very Different Reception           California 1917

[Upon the arrival of one who lived a loving and unselfish life] - ‘My recollections here?.....To me now there seems only the remembrance of light that was so clear and beautiful. I had been for a while unconscious, resting as it seemed. Then I began to see vaguely and to hear exquisite sounds, and I slowly came to the consciousness that I had passed over and that I still lived. Then my good angel, Mary, so surrounded me with her tenderness and affection that I could nevermore be otherwise happy.’ “Later, this same ‘good angel, Mary,’ said this of our friend:" ‘I was sent to receive her.....She was long in the restful state before consciousness came, and I watched and loved her from the first. I saw her soul as it came into its spiritual inheritance, and her pure spirit was so beautiful that my love was captured before she even knew me.” (Spirit message received via automatic writing of medium Charlotte Dresser – California, USA - 1917)

What Happens When You Die: Text


Spirit Message       France 1857

[Another question by Kardac - #160] - “Does the spirit find himself at once in company with those whom he knew upon the earth and who died before him?” - ‘Yes; and more or less promptly, according to the degree of affection for them and of theirs for him. They often come to meet him on his return to the spirit world and help to free him from the bonds of matter. Others whom he formerly knew but whom he had lost sight of during his sojourn on the earth also come to meet him.’ (Spirit message received by Allan Kardac – France 1857)

What Happens When You Die: Text
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What Happens When You Die: Image

      Reunited ...But with Conditions       Spirit Message        France 1857

[Question #290] - "Are relatives and friends always reunited after death?" - "That depends on their elevation.  And on the road they have to follow for their advancement.  If one of them is further advanced and progresses more rapidly than the other, they cannot remain together.  They may see one another occasionally, but they can only be definitively reunited when he who was behind is able to keep pace with him who was before.  Or when both of them shall have reached the state of perfection.  Moreover, the privation of the sight of relatives and friends is sometimes inflicted on a spirit as a punishment."  (Spirit message received by Kardec - France - 1857)

What Happens When You Die: Text


Mary Bosworth      California 1917

"Slipping out of the mortal body does not always mean entrance into perfect happiness.  Justice, purity, unselfishness and kindness of heart are the passports to the heavenly life.  If these are lacking, they must be acquired.  And sometimes the effect of mortal sin makes this acquirement very difficult.  And often the time is long and unhappiness great before the evil is eliminated from the soul.  We cannot make this too strong or the caution too serious!"  (Spirit teacher Mary Bosworth speaking to medium Charlotte Dresser via automatic writing - California - 1917)

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What Happens When You Die: Image

"The Results of Conscious Sin"   Imperator       England 1873

AGREEMENT - "The condition of the spirit at its inception of its real life [its life in the spirit world] is determined by the outcome of its bodily acts.  The spirit which has been slothful or impure gravitates necessarily to its congenial sphere.  And commences there a period of probation which has for its object (1) the purification of the spirit from the accumulated habits of the earth-life; (2) the remedying in remorse and shame of the evil done; and (3) the gradual rising of itself to a higher state to that which each process of purification has been a step.  This is the punishment of transgression.  Not an arbitrary doom inflicted to all eternity by an angry God.  But the inevitable remorse and repentence, which results from conscious sin."  (Spirit Teacher Imperator - England - 1873)  

What Happens When You Die: Text

No "Rest in Peace"

Spirit Message      France 1857

(Part 1 of 2) -"You often say, of one who s dead, that he is released from suffering.  As a spirit, he has no more physical sufferings.  But, according to the faults he has committed, he may have to bear moral sufferings still more severe.  And in a new [incarnated] experience [on earth], he may be still more unhappy."  (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec via automatic writing - France 1857)

What Happens When You Die: Text

"You Will Understand This"

Spirit Message      France 1857

(Part 2 of 2) - "He who has made a selfish use of riches will have to beg for his bread and will be a prey to all the privations of poverty.  The proud will undergo humiliation of every kind.  He who has misused his authority and treated his subordinates with disdain and harshness will be forced to obey a master still harder than himself ....All the tribulations of a [current earth] life are the expiation [atonement] of faults committed in a preceding [earth] existence...when they are not the consequence of faults committed in the present one.  When you have quitted your present life, you will understand this."  (Spirit message - France - 1857)

What Happens When You Die: Text

 Johannes       Greber

               Germany 1923

AGREEMENT - (Part 1 of 2) - [Here Rev. Greber is speaking to his readers] - "A great number of spirits made use of the 'speaking medium' of my parish.  Among them were high spirits which entered, praising the Lord...taught us matters of great importance and departed after bestowing God's blessings on us.  There were also spirits undergoing great suffering, beseeching us to pray with them.  There were spirits of very low standing, which cursed themselves and their fate, reviling us and scoffing at everything high and sacred.  Numerous, indeed, were earth-bound spirits, which did not realize they had been divorced from the flesh by death.  They believed that they were still on earth."  (Excerpt taken from Communication with the Spirit World of God  by Rev. Johannes Greber)

What Happens When You Die: About Me

Celsior - Germany 1923

AGREEMENT - (Part 2 of 2) - [Celsior takes over the discussion] - "There were weighty reasons why you have been shown what you saw this evening.  In the first place, you were to witness what sort of 'rest' there is in store for some people after death.  You so often say when standing by a grave: 'He is at rest at last.'  Tonight you have seen something of that 'rest.'"  (Celsior - A Most High Spirit - talking to Rev. Greber via automatic writing - Grmany - 1923)

What Happens When You Die: Text
What Happens When You Die: Image

 Study & Service for Others

Spirit Message     California 1917

(Part 1 of 3) - "We wish to say, every time and all the time, that character is of the first importance.  As a man lives on earth, so will he appear on this side.  Slipping out of the mortal body does not always mean entrance into perfect happiness.  Justice, purity, unselfishness and kindness of heart are the passports to the heavenly life.  If these are lacking, they must be acquired.  And sometimes the effect of mortal sin makes this acquirement very difficult.  And often the time is long and unhappiness great before the evil is eliminated from the soul.  We cannot make this too strong or the caution too serious!"  (Spirit message received by Charlotte Dresser by way of automatic writing - California - 1917)

What Happens When You Die: Text

Mary Bosworth      California 1917

(Part 2 of 3) - "After character has been established, we study for knowledge of the earth from which we here all come, knowledge of the conditions there and ways of improving those conditions.  Then the knowledge of higher spiritual activities and the power that this knowledge gives.  Knowledge to be used for other lives.  Sometimes on earth.  Sometimes on other planets.  After this, still increasing knowledge and still increasing power for good.  Always giving out.  Do not forget that knowledge is to be used for others."  (Spirit Teacher Mary Bosworth - California - 1917) 

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Study of Spiritual Laws

Mary Bosworth    California 1917

(Part 3 of 3) - "Then comes the study of spiritual laws.  For these must be known and understood [so] that a newly-arrived spirit may not infringe upon them.  These laws have to do with the harmony of heaven and the perfect accord of millions upon millions of souls.  Once these laws are understood, the newly-arrived spirit may discover the infinite variety of teaching here and may select the study most adapted to his taste.  (Mary Bosworth - California - 1917)

What Happens When You Die: Text

        "Such Tenderness and Love"    California 1917

“I was too ill to realize my danger and passed over without knowing it. But oh, my dear! I was met with such tenderness and love that my life seemed all at once transformed. And I have desired nothing so much as to grow into the same loving service for others. I am with a circle who meet many who, like me, come over alone; and the care that we may give them is a joy greater than I can describe.” (Spirit message received by Charlotte Dresser by way of automatic writing – 1917) 

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What Happens When You Die: Text

Back to Earth

Spirit Message      France 1857

[Allan Kardec asked this question #984] - "Are the troubles of our earthly life always the punishment of faults committed by us in our present lifetime?" - "No.  We have already told you that they are trials imposed on you by God.  Or chosen by you in the spirit-state.  Before your reincarnation.  And for the expiation  [atonement] of faults committed by you in a former existence.  For no infraction of the laws of God - and especially of the law of justice - ever remains unpunished.  And if it be not expiated in the same life, it will certainly be so in another."  (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec by way of automatic writing - France - 1857) 

What Happens When You Die: Text

Spirit Message       France 1857

[Question #986] - Can a spirit who has progressed in his terrestrial existence be reincarnated in the same world?" - "Yes.  And if he has not been able to accomplish his mission, he may himself demand to complete it in a new existence.  But in that case, it is no longer an expiation for him."  (Spirit message communicated to Allan Kardec - France - 1857)

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          With Each Earth Life             

Question for Spirit Teacher Mary Bosworth - "Do spirits retain their personalities as they advance?" - "Personality goes on and on.  Otherwise, spirits would not have been created with personalities.  What is all the discipline of earth for if not for the development of individual character?  No! The individual may go on to unthought-of intelligence.  Or glory. Or perfection. But remains the individual spirit still."  (Mary bosworth - California - 1917)

What Happens When You Die: About

"Truest Happiness"

Imperator       England 1873

AGREEMENT - "The true attitude of the spirit is one of striving earnestly in the hope of reaching a higher position than that which it has attained.  In perpetually progressing, it finds its truest happiness.  There is no finality.  None, none, none!"  (Spirit Teacher Imperator communicating to Rev. Stainton Moses via automatic writing - England - 1873)

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Journey Completed on Earth

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Progress Continues in Heaven

Spirit Message       France 1857

[Question #969 asked by Allan Kardec] - "What are we to understand when it is said that the purified spirits are gathered into the bosom of God and employed in singing His praises?" - "You must not take it literally...You must not suppose that spirits of the highest order are absorbed in an eternal contemplation, which would be an monotonous and stupid sort of happiness.  And a selfish one also because such an existence would be a perpetual we have told you, they know and comprehend all things and make use of the intelligence they have acquired in aiding the progress of other spirits.  They find enjoyment in this order of occupation."  (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec via automatic writing - France - 1857) 

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"The Happiness of Perfected Spirits"   France 1857

(Part 1 of 2) - [Question  #967] - "In what does the happiness of perfected spirits consist?" - "In knowing all things.  In feeling neither hatred, jealousy, envy, ambition.  Nor any of the passions that make men unhappy.  Their mutual affection is for them a source of supreme happiness.  They have none of the wants, sufferings or anxieties of material life.  They are happy in the good that they do, for the happiness of spirits is always proportinal to their elevation.  The highest happiness, it is true, is enjoyed only by spirits who are perfectly purified.  But the others are not unhappy."  (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec - France - 1857) 

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What Happens When You Die: Image

Spirit Message      France 1857

(Part 2 of 2) - "Those who already have achieved a certain degree of advancement have a presentment of the happiness of those who are further on than themselves.  They aspire after that higher happiness, but it is for them an object of emulation - and not of jealousy.  They know that it depends on themselves to attain it.  And they labour to that end."  (Spirit message - France - 1857)

What Happens When You Die: Text

Union with God

Imperator      England 1874

[Question asked by Rev. Moses] - "And when all the gross elements are gone, the sprit enters the spheres of contemplation and is refined till all may be refined away?" - "Not so.  It is refined until the dross is gone, and the pure spiritual gold remains.  We know not of its life in the inner heaven.  We only know that it grows liker and liker to God, nearer and nearer to His image.  It may well be, good friend, that the noblest destiny of the perfected spirit may be union with the God into whose likeness it has grown and whose portion of divinity....renders up to Him who gave it."  (Spirit Teacher Imperator replying to Rev. Stainton Moses' question via automatic writing - England - 1874)  

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              "One Desire of Spirit"              Rector      England 1873

"This is the one desire of spirit.  More progress!  More knowledge!  More love!  Till the dross is purged away, and the soul soars higher and yet higher towards the Supreme.  (Spirit Teacher Rector speaking to Rev. Moses - England - 1873)

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What Happens When You Die: Image

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