Spiritual Revelations Across Time

What is Heaven Like?
"A Far-Off Heaven"
A Hindu Spirit England 1900
(Part 1 of 2) - [Question asked by Rev. Arthur Chambers] - "Do you imply that many Christians who believe in a world to come fail to perceive the whole truth concerning the Spiritual?" - [Hindu Spirit] - "Most certainly I do. If you doubt this, question them on the point. Will you find more than one in every hundred, or thousand, who has any idea of a Spiritual World - except as a far-off Heaven at a future time." - [Chambers] - I am afraid your assertion is true." (A Hindu Spirit speaking to Rev. Chambers by way of a trance medium - England - 1900)

"No Dreamy Heaven Awaits You" Imperator England 1873
AGREEMENT - "And you yourselves, what of you?...Ye are spirits placed for a while in a garb of flesh to get training for an advanced spirit life. Where the seeds sown in the past bear their fruit, and the spirit reaps the crop which it has prepared. No fabled, dreamy heaven of eternal inactivity awaits you, but a sphere of progressive usefulness and growth to higher perfection." (Imperator - England 1873)
"A Great Wave"
A Hindu Spirit England 1900
(Part 2 of 2) - [A Hindu Spirit] - ".....there is now an ever-increasing number who are reading more intelligently their Bible and perceiving great truths therein - which have been lost sight of during past centuries. A great wave of spiritual influence is passing over your world and breaking through the hard crust of materialistic thought and feeling. Some of your great thinkers and preachers are beginning to acknowledge the nearness of the spiritual." (A Hindu Spirit - England - 1900) [In addition to Rev. Chambers, we have Mr. Allan Kardec - 1857; Rev. Stainton Moses - 1873; Rev. George Owen - 1913; Johannes Greber - 1923. And into the future: Rev. Charles Drayton Thomas - 1928; Sister Frances Banks -1965; Rev. A.D. Mattson - 1973 and The Spiritual Lodge Zurich - 1950 to Present Day]

The Higher Planes
Spirit Message California 1917
(Part 1 of 3) - "We wish to tell you of the life of the spirit as it progresses from plane to plane. For the grades of spiritual evolution are infinite in number. We will begin with life on tthe plane next above our own where higher science is taught and where many are trying to find answers to problems that confront intelligence there. Life on other planets, with their varying conditions, is one of these problems." (A Spirit Teacher from a higher plane speaking to Charlotte Dresser via automatic writing - California - 1917)

Spirit Message California 1917
(Part 2 of 3) - "The higher plane expresses love and service still, but in higher degree and in more spiritualized activities. These activities may extend to other planets or to other universes. We go to higher planes when we choose. And we go to other planes below us to teach them these higher truths, if they wish. All sciences are taught here: history, chemistry, astronomy, mathematics, biology and many sciences that the earth has no knowledge of as yet." (photo courtesy of wikipedia - public domain) (A Spirit Teacher - California - 1917
Spirit Message California 1917
(Part 3 of 3) - "I belong to a higher plane, but I can move to those still higher in pursuit of knowledge - and return to my own plane to teach that knowledge. We are more free as we ascend and visit many planes far higher than the one we especially inhabit and call our home." (A Spirit Teacher - California - 1917)

The Astral Plane
Mary Bosworth California 1917
"The earthly heaven has no limit so far as we can see. The plane we are on [the astral plane] encircles the earth in a broad band of ether that you would think limitless. But we know that there are other planes and other circles. They may extend beyond this universe, taking in all the other planets, so far as I know...There are limits, perhaps; but we do not see or feel them. Heaven is big enough for all. You will never be crowded." (Mary Bosworth speaking to Charlotte Dresser via automatic writing - California - 1917)
Reward in Heaven
Astriel England 1913
"Be sure, friend - and tell others who will hear it - that this life which awaits you is not a mere bodiless dream in a twlight region somewhere beyond the boundary of the real and actual. No. It is strenuous and intense; this life of ours. It is filled with service and endeavours crowned, one after another, with success; of patient pressing onward. And of indomitable wills attuned each to others in comrade service for the Lord of Love, Whose Life we sense and inspire...." (Spirit Guide Astriel speaking to Rev. George Owen via automatic writing - England 1913)
"No Idleness"
Imperator England 1873
AGREEMENT - "Reward is no sensuous case in a heaven of eternal rest. No fabled psalm-singing around the great white throne, whereon sits the God. No listless, dreamy idleness. None of these. But the consciousness of duty done, of progress made and of capacity for progress increased. Of love to God and man fostered, and the jewel of truth and honesty preserved. This is the spirit's reward. And it must be gained before it can be enjoyed. (Spirit Teacher Imperator speaking to Rev. Stainton Moses via automatic writing - England - 1873)

Love and Service
Spirit Message France 1857
AGREEMENT - "You must not suppose that spirits of the highest order are absorbed in an eternal contemplation, which would be an monotonous and stupid sort of happiness. And a selfish one also because such an existence would be a perpetual uselessness....as we have told you, they know and comprehend all things and make use of the intelligence they have acquired in aiding the progress of other spirits. They find enjoyment in this order of occupation." (Spirit message received by Allan Kardec via automatic writing - France - 1857)
Spirit Message California 1917
AGREEMENT - "Love and service; service and love. These must be the watchwords if the world is ever to be at peace. Love is the foundation on which all goodness stands and must in some way become the law of life everywhere. Love is one, but its manifestations appear in a thousand ways. Love is never wasted. Its influence may not be recognized, but its power is sure." (Spirit message received by Charlotte Dresser - California - 1917)
Libraries in Heaven
Charlotte Dresser's Father California 1917
"You will never be happier than when you see the wonderful libraries and the wonderful knowledge expressed in them....there are books and books, and knowledge comes easily to those who seek. Clairvoyance might express it somewhat - an illumination that presents the thought without effort. This on the part of the reader. The writer gives his thought inspirationally, and the words are transferred to the page without effort. (photo courtesy of wikimedia commons/jorge royan) (Charlotte Dresser's Father communicating to her via automatic writing - California - 1917)

Rev. Owen's Mother England 1913
"About our home. It is very bright and beautiful, and our companions from the higher spheres are continually coming to us to cheer us on our upward way....Earth made perfect....We have hills and rivers and beautiful forests, and houses, too - and all the work of those who come before us. We are at present at work, in our turn, building and ordering for those who must still for a little while continue their battle on earth. And when they come, they will find all things ready and the feast prepared." (The mother of Rev. George Owen communicating via automatic writing - England - 1913)
Chariots in Heaven?
Rev. Owen's Mother England 1913
"We will tell you of a scene which we witnessed not long ago. Yes, a scene in this land of ours...We were told that a ceremony was about to take place...We went...and found a great many people arriving from many quarters. Some came in...why do you hesitate? We are describing quite literally what we saw - chariots; call them otherwise, if you will. They were drawn by horses, and their drivers seemed to know just what to say to them, for they.... seemed to go where the drivers willed. Some came on foot and some through space by aerial flight. No, not wings, which are not necessary." (Rev. Owen's mother - England 1913)

Celsior Germany 1923
"Spirits, too, have shape. Your human spirits have that of the human body, or to put it more correctly, your human bodies have the shape of your spirits....Spirits are not shapeless. Spirits have form and shape, and yet they are not bound by either time or space, as are material bodies. How, unless each of us have shape, could we spirits recognize one another? The Angel Michael is different from Gabriel, and Gabriel from Raphael and other spirits....all spirits have shape - beginning with God and passing from Him down through His higher spirits - to the most hideous figures of the depths - and to the incarnated spirits on earth." (Celsior - Rev. Greber's Most High Spirit - Germany - 1923)

Spirit Message California 1917
"There are gardens and flowers here of exceeding beauty. They are formed by thought processes according to certain laws. And only those who love beauty and form are entrusted with the work...Try to imagine a flower that neither fades nor withers, yet may disappear to make room for other flowers when so desired." (Spirit message received by Charlotte Dresser via automatic writing - California - 1917)

Carrie Rafferty California 1917
"The gardens devoted to children are far more beautiful than any known to you. The flowers are of exquisite beauty, many-hued and with forms unknown on earth. There are lakes with water crystal-clear; fountains softly splashing; tree-shaded nooks and corners; and wide, open spaces for games and play." (Ascending Spirit Carrie Rafferty speaking to Charlotte Dresser via automatic writing - California - 1917)
"The 'Many Mansions' Are Here"
Spirit Message California 1917
"We are building and building, making halls and rooms and houses in the most exquisite way imaginable - and never for a moment have to halt for lack of means or lack of material. Truly, the 'many mansions' are here. And beautiful beyond description." [For example] - "a beautiful building of white material, shining and pure. With dome of golden color, with halls and rooms and various meeting places and appointments for the different studies." (Spirit message received by Charlotte Dresser by way of automatic writing) - California - 1917)

The City
Rev. Owen's Mother England 1913
AGREEMENT - "We set of, the five of us, all women, and kept before us the description we had received of the place we were to seek. We were to look for a great city among the mountains, with a golden dome in the midst of it. And the City itself surrounded by a colonnade on a terrace which ran around the City on all sides....We sighted the City and descended before the principal gateway by which we entered the main thoroughfare....On each side of this broad street, there were large houses, or palaces, in spacious grounds - the residences of the principal officials of that district of which the City itself was the Capital." (Rev. George Owen's mother speaking to him via automatic writing - England - 1913)

Celsior Germany 1923
AGREEMENT - "....everything you have on earth in material form is also to be found in spiritual form in the ultra-mundane [spirit] spheres. There, too, are shapes, habitations, rivers, trees, bushes, flowers, fruit, food and drink, gold and jewels, mountains and valleys, music and song, fragrance, color and tone....You look upon these things as imagery. They are no imagery, but facts." (Celsior - Germany - 1923)

God's Richest Blessings
The Spirit of Professor William James California 1917
"I have a word to say to earth people, if I can get it through as I wish. It is that the earth is full of mystery. Every plant that grows, every wave of the ocean, every star that shines has its own hdden mystery. Life - the life of the spirit - is God's mystery. And God's blessing. And its richest blessings are here in the unseen. Why, then, turn away from this greatest and best of all mysteries? Why not come into closer touch with this incomparably great and unseen life?" (The Spirit of William James - shown below - communicating with Charlotte Dresser via automatic writing - California - 1917)
William James
California 1917
Professor William James (1842 - 1910) was an American philosopher, historian and psychologist. He was one of the most influential philosophers in the United States and the "Father of American Psychology."